PHP in_array() function


Viewed 372 times


I’m developing a system that takes the ID’s from categories that are stored in the database, separated by ,, am using explode, turning them into a arrayand soon after I’m using the function array_rand() to draw only one value from this array. Everything works perfectly, but now I need to get other records that contain the same category of this drawn. If the value returns false(empty), I need to draw again until I find a record with this category, so that it does not occur that the sidebar is without records being displayed.

Viewing an ad

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Note for example in this ad the categories are Food and Attendant

I wish in my sidebar to search for other ads that are of the same category and with ORDER BY rand(), see an example of the sidebar.

  • inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Categories are stored in the database as follows:

anuc_cat_id = 1,7,2,9  | ID's das categorias
anuc_anu_id = 2 | Indica a qual anúncio corresponde

Separation of categories and drawing

$categoriasAnuncioAtual = explode(',', $rowCategoriasAnuncioAtual->anuc_cat_id);
$categoriaRandomAtual = $categoriasAnuncioAtual[array_rand($categoriasAnuncioAtual)];

Database query and verification

$selParecidos = $conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM anuncios a
                                        INNER JOIN anuncios_categorias ac ON ac.anuc_anu_id = a.anu_id
                                        INNER JOIN anuncios_fotos af ON af.anuf_anu_id = a.anu_id AND af.anuf_posicao = ?
                                        INNER JOIN usuarios u ON a.anu_usu_id = u.usu_id
                                        WHERE a.anu_url <> ? AND a.anu_status = ? AND a.anu_status_adm = ?
                                        GROUP BY anu_id
                                        ORDER BY rand()');
$selParecidos->execute(array(0, $rowId->anu_url, 1, 1)); 
$rowParecidos = $selParecidos->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); 

$arraycategoriasbanco = explode(',', $rowParecidos->anuc_cat_id);

//busca pelo array random dentro da variavel de categorias do anuncio
if(in_array($categoriaRandomAtual, $arraycategoriasbanco)){
    echo "existe"; 

On the last lines of the code where it follows if(in_array()) I need that if it does not exist it make a new SELECT until you find a record that matches this if().

How can I proceed?

I have no errors in SELECT or too, I just need a way to re-enter select case if(in_array()) is empty. I thought of making a function() but I’m not getting it.

  • Are you sure you want to keep repeating the SELECT? I don’t know if I understand the problem but changing the order won’t change the result of in_array().

  • In case my system shows ads, when I am on the page of a particular ad I have details about it, but I want to display in the sidebar similar ads of the same category as the one I am viewing. I don’t know if repeating select is a good way, but I need it in a way that when the value in the field anuc_cat_id does not match the ones in the array it does a new query or something like to search for advertisements that match these parameters.

  • You can put the SELECT in a variable and in the if call again the $conn->prepare($variavel).

  • I liked the logic, I came very close to a similar result, it seems to me that Bruno Calza who answered below presented something similar. Thank you

2 answers


I believe that a do-while resolve:

$categoriasAnuncioAtual = explode(',', $rowCategoriasAnuncioAtual->anuc_cat_id);

    $categoriaRandomAtual = $categoriasAnuncioAtual[array_rand($categoriasAnuncioAtual)];
    $selParecidos = $conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM anuncios a
                                            INNER JOIN anuncios_categorias ac ON ac.anuc_anu_id = a.anu_id
                                            INNER JOIN anuncios_fotos af ON af.anuf_anu_id = a.anu_id AND af.anuf_posicao = ?
                                            INNER JOIN usuarios u ON a.anu_usu_id = u.usu_id
                                            WHERE a.anu_url <> ? AND a.anu_status = ? AND a.anu_status_adm = ? AND ac.anuc_cat_id
                                            GROUP BY anu_id
                                            ORDER BY rand()');
    $selParecidos->execute(array(0, $rowId->anu_url, 1, 1)); 
    $rowParecidos = $selParecidos->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); 

    $arraycategoriasbanco = explode(',', $rowParecidos->anuc_cat_id);

}while(!in_array($categoriaRandomAtual, $arraycategoriasbanco));

The code above runs the risk of going into an infinite loop.

To avoid this, I would remove the selected category from $categoriasAnuncioAtual and add the condition !empty($categoriasAnuncioAtual) within the condition of while.

  • Exactly that! Only one question, which exact function do has to complement a while, did not know this function.

  • Would there be a way for me to avoid the risk of an infinite loop? Or this way it would be without using the while and trying another logic?

  • are equal except for the moment they perform the output condition of the loop. do-while executes at the end and while at the beginning

  • @Tiagoboeing already complemented the answer

  • Thank you, exactly what I needed!


You can do with A function that runs the SELECT and then a while until the condition is met.

function getCategoriasBanco($conn, $rowId)
    $selParecidos = $conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM anuncios a
                                        INNER JOIN anuncios_categorias ac ON ac.anuc_anu_id = a.anu_id
                                        INNER JOIN anuncios_fotos af ON af.anuf_anu_id = a.anu_id AND af.anuf_posicao = ?
                                        INNER JOIN usuarios u ON a.anu_usu_id = u.usu_id
                                        WHERE a.anu_url <> ? AND a.anu_status = ? AND a.anu_status_adm = ? AND ac.anuc_cat_id
                                        GROUP BY anu_id
                                        ORDER BY rand()');
    $selParecidos->execute(array(0, $rowId->anu_url, 1, 1)); 
    $rowParecidos = $selParecidos->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); 

    $arraycategoriasbanco = explode(',', $rowParecidos->anuc_cat_id);

    return $arraycategoriasbanco;

$arraycategoriasbanco = getCategoriasBanco($conn, $rowId);
//busca pelo array random dentro da variavel de categorias do anuncio
while(!in_array($categoriaRandomAtual, $arraycategoriasbanco))
    $arraycategoriasbanco = getCategoriasBanco($conn, $rowId); 
  • This does what it seems he is asking but I doubt it solves the problem in fact. But I don’t know, the question does not clearly indicate the purpose. XY.

  • I added a few screenshots and a few more details to try to exclaim.

  • @moustache focused only on responding to the request.

  • 1

    Thank you for your reply. I was able to resolve the while question by checking if it meets the conditions and reexecuting negative case.

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