Why can’t I map using Automapper?


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I have a model called Client with many attributes and (for simplicity I put here only a few) I thought of creating Viewmodels to simplify the display of data in Views, the problem is that the mapping I’m doing (using the Automapper) doesn’t work.

This is the mapping:

CreateMap<ClienteViewModel, Cliente>()
    .ForMember(e => e.IDCliente, v => v.MapFrom(s => s.IDCliente))
    .ForMember(e => e.IDCliente, v => v.MapFrom(s => s.EnderecoViewModel.IDCliente))
    .ForMember(e => e.IDCliente, v => v.MapFrom(s => s.ContatoViewModel.IDCliente));

This is the Json method that performs the mapping. Note that I am setting the value 1000 for the model.Idclient attribute, but after the mapping is executed the value of modelMapping.Idclient is equal to 0.

public JsonResult ItemClienteAtendimentoHist(ClienteViewModel model)
    model.IDCliente = 1000;
    string mensagem = "";
        var modelMapping = Mapper.Map<ClienteViewModel, Cliente>(model);
        var retCliente = _ctx.ObterCliente(modelMapping);
        return Json(new { Cliente = retCliente, success = true, message = mensagem }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
    catch (Exception ex)
        return Json(new { message = ex.Message, success = false });


public class ClienteViewModel{
public int IDCliente {get; set;}
public string NomeCliente  {get; set;}
public string CPFCliente  {get; set;}
public EnderecoViewModel EnderecoViewModel {get; set;}
public ContatoViewModel ContatoViewModel {get; set;}

public class EnderecoViewModel{
public int IDCliente  {get; set;}
public string LogradouroEndreco  {get; set;}
public string NumeroEndereco  {get; set;}
public string CEPEndereco  {get; set;}
public ClienteViewModel ClienteViewModel {get; set;}

public class ContatoViewModel{
public string public int IDCliente  {get; set;}
public string NomeContato  {get; set;}
public string TelContato  {get; set;}
public ClienteViewModel ClienteViewModel {get; set;}

Model Cliente:

public class Cliente{
public int IDCliente  {get; set;}
public string NomeCliente  {get; set;}
public string CPFCliente  {get; set;}
public string LogradouroEndreco  {get; set;}
public string NumeroEndereco  {get; set;}
public string CEPEndereco  {get; set;}
public string NomeContato {get; set;}
public string TelContato  {get; set;}

1 answer


In the excerpt below you are mapping three times the same destination element and the last one he is assigning is the s.ContatoViewModel.IDCliente.

CreateMap<ClienteViewModel, Cliente>()
    .ForMember(e => e.IDCliente, v => v.MapFrom(s => s.IDCliente))
    .ForMember(e => e.IDCliente, v => v.MapFrom(s => s.EnderecoViewModel.IDCliente))
    .ForMember(e => e.IDCliente, v => v.MapFrom(s => s.ContatoViewModel.IDCliente));

Read the documentation of automapper. Here is an explanation That’s what you’re trying to do.

So that you understand better, follows below an example of what you are doing:

The estate ClienteViewModel.IDCliente that is with the value 1000, however you at no time assigned value in the properties EnderecoViewModel.IDCliente or ContatoViewModel.IDCliente and for being the type int will be with value 0.

In the code above that said to be with logic error it basically makes the following assignments:

Cliente.IDCliente = 1000; //.ForMember(e => e.IDCliente, v => v.MapFrom(s => s.IDCliente))
Cliente.IDCliente = 0; //.ForMember(e => e.IDCliente, v => v.MapFrom(s => s.EnderecoViewModel.IDCliente))
Cliente.IDCliente = 0; //.ForMember(e => e.IDCliente, v => v.MapFrom(s => s.ContatoViewModel.IDCliente))

As the name and type of the property is exactly the same at source and destination you can do just that:

CreateMap<ClienteViewModel, Cliente>();

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