Infomasons do not come complete in Google Charts


Viewed 72 times


Good afternoon Guys,

I’m having two problems with that same code...

One is when I just launch the day so I can catch the hours, it returns me the error Cannot read property 'getTime' of null when the value comes...

The second is that I choose the month interval, from 01 to 31 of the month and it duplicates certain dates and does not show the whole month, as in the image below:

JS Code:


        function drawChart()
          var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();

            for(i = 0; i < e.length; i++){

                let totais = {};

             e[i].item.forEach(i => {

                if(! totais[])
                    totais[] = moment.duration(0);

                Object.keys(totais).forEach(j =>{
                let duracao = totais[j];
                var hrWork = duracao.hours().toString().padStart(2, '0')+':'+duracao.minutes().toString().padStart(2, '0');
                var hrwork = hrWork.split(':')
                let date = e[i].date.split('-')
                data.addRow([new Date(date[2],date[1]-1,date[0]), [ parseInt(hrwork[0]), parseInt(hrwork[1])] ]);

            var options = {
                chartArea: {

                 bar: {

                   groupWidth: 30
                   height: 400,
                 explorer: {
                         keepInBounds: true
                 hAxis: {
                   format: "MMM dd,YY",
                   slantedText: true,
                   slantedTextAngle: 45
                 vAxis: {
                   format: 'h:mm a',
          var view = new google.visualization.DataView(data);

          var chart_area = document.getElementById('chart');
          var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(chart_area);

, 'ready', function(){
            document.getElementById('input').value = '<img src="'+chart.getImageURI()+'" class="img-fluid">';



inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In case anyone can give me a north, I’m grateful!

  • Hello, you are likely to be receiving the date in ISO 8601 format correctly but your script is treating it as a string, in which case you should convert it to Date first to provide access to the getTime() subroutine. Just to reiterate: I go through the same situation in a Go API and do it this way to resolve.

  • Thanks a brother! Only I do not understand the following, when Seto the value of the whole month, the graph plots normal, but when I set any other range, it give this error.

  • The value of my hour, comes as time just ex:"05:20" then I split to separate and turn into Integer to put in the value of addRow

  • I also noticed that it only plots my chart if in the selected range there are two dates with values, ex: 01-Sep-2019 à 10-Sep-2019, if in this range there is only one date with worked time value it does not plot.

  • Diêgo, I have no experience with Google Charts, I will pass this. Another someone should manifest there with help and sufficient knowledge.

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