Best data persistence practice


Viewed 375 times


When it comes to persisting the data with the Core Data. What is the best way to persist the data?

For example:

I own an object Pessoa (subclass of NSObject). And at the time of persistence I "convert" the PessoaMO (subclass of NSManagedObject).

What I wanted to know is basically the following:

The correct way to do this, is like the example quoted above or directly with the NSManagedObject without having the class Pessoa (subclass of NSObject)?

  • 3

  • You only need the class that derives from Nsmanagedobject. Whatever you touch it will automatically be saved. Unless you really need a temporary copy of the object to work with for a while without saving, which is not common.

1 answer


This solution seems to disrespect the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) because in addition to a duplication in the code the classes Personal and Person will be dependent. (Any change in one breaks the other).

A solution would be several user with Nsmanagedobjectcontext’s to make a better control of what will be persisted and what will be discarded. (I believe that’s what you’re doing).

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