Use bootstrap or CSS manually for responsiveness?


Viewed 899 times


I have a question in which situations are more valid to invest in front-end knowledge, including responsiveness. It would be more important to trust Bootstrap to leave your website responsive, or it would be more important to program all responsiveness manually?

What problems can be caused when you only get the use of Bootstrap?

  • 1

    responsiveness, thanks for correcting, I just edited.

  • If you have time to learn all the responsiveness logic from scratch in CSS, it would be nice if you could use your own solutions. Now if you already know how to use CSS the basics and want some solution quickly, you can invest in Bootstrap.

  • 1

    Learn flex display and display grid and be 100% happy easily creating any pure CSS site !

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1 answer


Dude if you want total control it would not be prudent to deposit all your chips in a Framework (FW), whatever it is, even more the Bootstrap 4 (BS4 is the current version).

BS4 has no advanced treatments for 4k resolutions, nor for retina display, let alone for smart watches like Apple Watche. Then consider carefully what the customer wants and what you will do to address the problem. Or if you will generate another problem with a website that will not look cool on 4K TV that he will use in the store for example.

BS 4 also cannot handle images with srcset, This is actually in HTML, but even in CSS it doesn’t suggest using media queries to treat image size for smaller or larger screens, it simply suggests using width:100% what is very shallow near the full power of treatments one has with pure CSS.


The advantages of BS 4 is having a grid in flex, use measures in REM and currently presented a solution for Responsive Typography, but nothing you can not do at hand.

Regardless of time to do, budget value, you need to know how to walk without crutches! Summarizing the basics of CSS is indispensable and relying on Framework is a big mistake

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