How to use "display: initial;" on IE9?


Viewed 99 times


I made a website, but it gave error in IE9. The effect I made is only cool with display: initial; (because it fits right in the letters).

The class code is as follows::

.box-slider h2 {
    font-size: 23px;
    background-color: #084867;
    display: initial;
    color: #fff;
    padding: 5px 10px 2px;
    line-height: 31px;

and is applied to a div giving effect to a h2, someone has some suggestion for this to work?


follows the link ... I put 2 examples ... open the link on Chrome and IE9 and you will understand my doubt.

  • 1

    You could edit your question by adding a copy of the relevant code to the jsfiddle or some similar website?

  • The initial then I wouldn’t be doing the same block?

  • Rodrigo Deodoro ... edited and put the link. bfavaretto, of course not friend rsrs.

  • Okay, Ursones, you’re right My point was that some value like block, inline or inline-block would do, since initial is just one way to apply the initial value of the property as per the specification.

1 answer


The estate display: initial is not supported by IE, in your case display: inline; would not have the same result?

  • Our man, it is... my stupidity ... was editing by Chrome and I totally forgot the 'inline... I even tried to use inline-block, the inline worked out, Vlw...

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