Take element from a string


Viewed 158 times


Supposing I did have:

 var string = "Hello [background]image.png[background] World!";

It would be possible to find the image that is inside the two [background], and save to another variable, for example?

2 answers


Ericki, has how and there are numerous ways to do this, below two examples of how this can be done:

var string = "Hello [background]image.png[background] World!";

//Pegando o valor com regex
found = /\[background\](.*?)\[background\]/g.exec(string);

if(found) {
  var backgroundValue1 = found[1];

//Pegando o valor procurando pelos índices...
var firstIndex = string.indexOf("[background]");

if(firstIndex) {

  //Remove o começo da string - 12 é o tamanho da palavra [background]
  var backgroundValue2 = string.substr(firstIndex + 12, string.length);

  //Remove o final da string
  backgroundValue2 = backgroundValue2.substr(0, backgroundValue2.lastIndexOf("[background]"));


  • Thank you for the reply!


Another way is by using .split() picking up the index [1]:

var string = "Hello [background]image.png[background] World!";
var novo = string.split("[background]")[1];

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