Drag and drop in a cakephp listing


Viewed 84 times


I have to sort through the drag-and-drop methods. I wonder how you could use this in cakephp?

The problem is this: I have several records returned in a list, I would like to drag for example, the 5th record to the 1st and effect that this is recorded in the bank with priority 1, so what was in 1st becomes 2nd and so on.

Could someone help me with an idea of how to do it and what I can use to do it?

Thank you.

  • 1

    To rearrange items with drag and prop you will need to use javascript, I advise the sortable of the Jquery-UI http://jqueryui.com/sortable from there you can save the new order by ajax or do all rearrangement and then save it.

  • Thank you, I’ll study about it.

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