Mark checkbox from bd result


Viewed 39 times


I have a table that brings data from comic’s cameras and through it I check the cameras and write their id in the same column divided by ','. I wanted to know how I do for when I go to edit bring the data of the cameras and mark the ones that were registered in the bank.

code of how to load table cameras

Function loads_cameras(){

    var url = "../api/cameras/return.php?condominio_id="+$("#condominio_id").val();
    $.post(url, function( data ) {
        var temp = '';

        temp = "<thead><tr><th onclick=\"selall2();\">Selecionar</th><th>ID</th><th>Descrição</th><th>Tipo</th></tr></thead><tbody>";


                                "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"user-""\"  name=\"user-""\" class=\"scheck2\"/></td>"+

        temp+= "</tbody>";

        if (table2 != false){
            if ( $.fn.dataTable.isDataTable( '#tabelacameras' ) ) {
            table2 = $('#tabelacameras').DataTable();
            }else {
                table2 = $('#tabelacameras').DataTable( {
                    paging: false,
                } );



1 answer


I finally found the answer

and my editing Function was like this:

function editpopup(id){
            if ( == id){
                var xcam = value.cameras.split(',');
                var xa = value.tipos.split(',');

                    for (var i = 0; i < xcam.length; i++) {


                for (var i = 0; i < xa.length; i++) {

I use setTimeout to allow time to load the camera list and only then mark the checkbox as true.

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