*ngIf does not function as expected, Angular


Viewed 317 times


I basically have this *ngIf

<label>{{view._source.favoriteView }}</label>

       <!--Não é favorito-->
      <div *ngIf="view._source.favoriteView">
        <button (click)="unsetAsFavorite(view._id)" matTooltip="Favoritar" mat-icon-button >

       <!--É favorito-->
      <div *ngIf="!view._source.favoriteView">
        <button (click)="setAsFavorite(view._id)" matTooltip="Desfavoritar" mat-icon-button color="warn" >

The label displays the expected correct value (true / false), but is ALWAYS entering the first *ngIf, even if false, I tested using the *ngIf however available in the documentation and none worked, which I am missing?

1 answer


I had to use it this way:

<div *ngIf="view._source.favoriteView === 'false'">
            <button (click)="setAsFavorite(view._id)" matTooltip="Favoritar" mat-icon-button >

           <!--É favorito-->
          <div *ngIf="view._source.favoriteView === 'true'">
            <button (click)="unsetAsFavorite(view._id)" matTooltip="Desfavoritar" mat-icon-button color="warn" >

Because the values returned were of type 'String' and not Boolean

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