use of cursor to update item to item stock


Viewed 279 times


I have a bank where the stock(onhand) must be changed each time an order(docentry) is made, whether it is a confirmed order or not, for that I need to download the order quantity(Qty) with a simple subtraction operation(onhand - Qty). My question is the following, how do I carry out the stock replacement of each item every time an order is made? I can do this but only when I specify the order number but I would like to perform this operation. Follow code and result image.


Basically how it would work: the item’s Stock is at 3993, after the order "15335" the stock should upgrade to 3981 for all orders where this item exists(in case the 15681 should show in onhand 3981), then the cursor should update again when arriving at the item "AR000001" and decrease 4 of the updated stock 3981. Currently what happens: the stock drops from number 3993 for both where it is 3981 for one and 3989 for another.

--realizando inserção na tabela temporária
insert into #tmpPedidos(Docentry,qty,onhand,conta,itemcode)
(select a.docentry,b.Quantity,c.OnHand,(c.OnHand - b.Quantity),b.ItemCode
from ORDR a 
inner join RDR1 b on a.DocEntry = b.DocEntry
inner join OITW c on b.ItemCode = c.ItemCode
a.DocStatus = 'o' and a.CANCELED = 'n' and c.whscode = 
CASE when BPLId = 4 then '301' 
END) --documentos com status abertos não cancelados e com estoque de numero ou 301 ou 401

declare crs cursor
select * from #tmpPedidos order by itemcode
update #tmpPedidos set onhand = conta where itemcode = 'ar000001' and Docentry = 15335 --aqui realizo o update indicando um pedido(que funciona)
update #tmpPedidos set conta = onhand - qty where itemcode = 'ar000001' and Docentry = 15335 -- aqui atualizo a conta indicando o pedido(que também funciona)
open crs
fetch next from crs;

I thank all those who can help, I’m starting in this part of temporary tables and cursors so I don’t know much about the use of them.

3 answers


Friend, you can do what you need using a variable that increases.
For this you would need, first of all, to change your table and add a primary key (it may be a field id simple.

CREATE TABLE tmpPedidos(
  [id] integer identity(1,1),
  [Docentry] integer,
  [qty] integer,
  [onhand] integer,
  [conta] integer,

Then make an Insert leaving the account column data without filling in:

INSERT INTO tmpPedidos([Docentry],[qty],[onhand])
    (15335, 12,3993),

Now with this data filled in we can create a variable @conta which will update column values onhand and conta. Also note that we have created a variable @etoque_inicial to store the initial value of the stock (3993), as this will be changed and we need to turn it manually.

/*guarda o estoque inicial*/
declare @estoque_inicial int
set @estoque_inicial = (select onhand from tmpPedidos where id = 1)

/*Faz update na tabela corrigindo os dados da coluna conta*/
declare @conta int
update tmpPedidos set conta = @conta, @conta = (ISNULL(@conta,onhand)-qty),onhand = ISNULL(@conta,onhand)

/*Faz update da primeira linha voltando o valor do estoque inicial*/
update tmpPedidos set onhand = @estoque_inicial where id = 1

You can test the example above here.

Note: I think it is important to note that the easiest thing would be for you to do this inventory control in a separate table, where you would receive only the incoming and outgoing releases of each item from the stock, so your control would be much easier.

  • Thanks a lot, Murilo! I will test everything right and return you, just one question: the updates I do inside the cursor to be able to replace the data of onhand as the requests are passing?

  • @Douglassouza, in fact you would replace your entire cursor with the updates I went through, you fix your Sert by removing the (c.OnHand - b.Quantity), so that he does not fill the field conta and after you entered the data into the table #tmpPedidos you use the updates I have informed you. The updates will go through all rows of the table calculating the column value conta as requested. As it is a temporary table it should not be keeping too much data, so there will be no performance problem.

  • Good morning Murilo! I saw that the account works perfectly but I have 1 problem. onhand and account are based on the entire stock of all items, in case I would just like to download the stock of each item. For example: the item AR000001 has 3993 of stock, after the account would be 3981 the item AR000002 has 200 of stock, if within the order where the ar000001 was sold did not exist the 02, the stock of the 02 would remain the same, but when executing your code all items are being changed.


Here is solution using recursive CTE.

-- código #1 v2
Pedidos_seq as (
       seq= row_number() over (partition by itemcode order by Docentry)
  from #tmpPedidos
Le_Pedido as (
SELECT Docentry, qty, onhand, conta, itemcode, seq
  from Pedidos_seq
  where seq = 1
union all
SELECT Ps.Docentry, Ps.qty, LP.conta, (LP.conta - Ps.qty), PS.itemcode, Ps.seq
  from Le_Pedido as LP
       inner join Pedidos_seq as Ps on Ps.itemcode = LP.itemcode
                                      and Ps.seq = (LP.seq +1)
SELECT * from Le_Pedido  -- teste
  set onhand= LP.onhand, conta= LP.conta
  from #tmpPedidos as P
       inner join Le_Pedido as LP on LP.Docentry = P.Docentry
  option (maxrecursion 5000);

I have not tested; may contain error(s).

If the query returns what you need, then delete the line ending with
-- test
and remove comments from the end of the code.

  • Good morning Jose! I tested here and gave an error in the end "and Ps.seq = (LP.seq +1)" replaced by Ps.seq+1 but one of the items is missing, only 1 ar000001 appears.

  • I had forgotten to put the seq column inside Le_request. Already corrected.

  • Now it worked perfectly as he wrote, without errors, however the ar000001 is only shown 1x and after that appears the message "The statement terminated. The Maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement Completion"

  • @Douglassouza What is the approximate number of rows in the table #tmpPedidos?

  • 4600 lines on this tablet

  • The error message indicates that the number of recursions has reached the limit of recursions, the default value of which is 100. This can only have occurred if for the same value of itemcode there are more than 100 lines. I changed the #1 code by setting the maximum recursion limit.

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I share an example of creating temp table. Next I share an example of cursor...I share an example and you adjust it to your case.

Create TEMP Table

        CREATE TABLE #ID_Table
            [ID] INT

Removes TEMP table

    DROP TABLE #ID_Table

Cursors Microsoft official documentation

Cursor example

NOTE: Your select to store the data must be from the TEMP table, this example is from a normal table.


DECLARE @name VARCHAR(50) -- database name 
DECLARE @path VARCHAR(256) -- path for backup files 
DECLARE @fileName VARCHAR(256) -- filename for backup 
DECLARE @fileDate VARCHAR(20) -- used for file name 

SET @path = 'C:\Backup\' 


SELECT name 
FROM MASTER.dbo.sysdatabases 
WHERE name NOT IN ('master','model','msdb','tempdb') 

OPEN db_cursor  
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @name  

      SET @fileName = @path + @name + '_' + @fileDate + '.BAK' 
      BACKUP DATABASE @name TO DISK = @fileName 

      FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @name 

CLOSE db_cursor  
DEALLOCATE db_cursor 
  • Grateful Ernesto! Thank you so much for the tips.

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