How to use Mysql view’s with Spring Data and eclipselink


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In the development of my project I came across a select that will require a lot of application performance, as it consists of using two Join’s. Soon came to mind the creation of a view in Mysql, but the problem is that I never used it with eclipselink and Spring Data. Has anyone ever gone through this? Wasn’t wanting to accomplish @query("minha_consulta") to bring the data.

2 answers


It is possible to map a view as a common table using @Entity and @Table no difficulties. I’ve done this a few times using Hibernate.

Just be careful not to use DDL generation, otherwise Eclipselink might try to run a ALTER TABLE in view.

Also, do not change the entity, that is, when you retrieve an object from the bank, do not use the methods setters because JPA understands this as a change in the data and will try to make a UPDATE.

However, specifically in Eclipselink, I believe that the above two problems can be avoided using the annotation @ReadOnly in its entity.


@Table(name = "VW_MINHAVIEW") 
public class ReadOnlyEntity { ... }
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    Salve @utluiz! I am reading here about the creation of it. I will try to implement, but how is it next to Spring Data? i realize a normal select? In what I could understand I think it would be like this.

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    @Joãomanolo It would be exactly the same as a normal entity. You can use JPQL or Criteria the same way.

  • there is a problem declaring the annotation @Entity. She Ped me a @id as far as I know it doesn’t make much sense for a view to contain a primary key. How did you treat it?

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    @Joãomanolo Yes, there is this limitation on the part of the JPA API. There must be some field in your view that is unique. Note it as @Id fearless.


@utluiz, got grade 10! I had to do the following, I created a view in my BD:

select c.id_customer, c.tenant_id, c.first_name, 
from viatgedb.customer c
join viatgedb.customer_service cs
on c.id_customer = cs.fk_customer 
join viatgedb.destination_requested ds on cs.id_customer_service = ds.fk_customer_service;

Soon after I mapped JPA (I’m working with multi-tenant architecture):

@TenantDiscriminatorColumn(name = "tenant_id", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.INTEGER, contextProperty = PersistenceUnitProperties.MULTITENANT_PROPERTY_DEFAULT)
public class VwOpenService implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private Long id;

    @Column(name="tenant_id", insertable=false, updatable=false)
    private Long tenantId;

    private String dayService;

    private String firstName;

    private String name;

    // Getter and Setter

And I usually create a repository to bring my records with Spring Data:

public interface OpenServiceRepository extends BaseRepository<VwOpenService, Long>{

    List<VwOpenService> findAll(); 


The result was as expected.

Thank you

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