Help in SQL query for LINQ


Viewed 60 times


I have a problem/difficulty, I have this following SQL query that I need to transform it into LINQ, but I am having problems in LINQ COUNT().

select m.id_marca, m.ds_marca, pm.ds_caracterist_tecnica_prdmca, count(fp.id_fornec_prod_marca_fpmarcot) as t from Produto_Marca pm

left join Fornecedor_Prod_Marca_Cotacao fp  on fp.id_produto_marca_prdmca = pm.id_produto_marca_prdmca

join Marca m on pm.id_marca = m.id_marca

where pm.id_produto_prod = 98
group by m.id_marca, m.ds_marca, pm.ds_caracterist_tecnica_prdmca
order by t desc

follows LINQ code

var x = from a in produtoMarcaService.GetAll()
                    join b in FornecedorProdMarcaCotacaoService.GetAll() on a.IdProdutoMarca equals b.IdProdutoMarca into juncao
                    from c in juncao.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    join d in MarcaService.GetAll() on a.IdMarca equals d.IdMarca
                    where a.IdProduto == id
                    group c by new { d.DsMarca, d.IdMarca, a.CdProdutoMarca, a.DsCaracteristTecnica, a.DsComercialProduto } into f
                    select new
                        Count = f.Count()

Have some way to leave the same as SQL?

By the Line Count leaves everyone who is zeroed with the number 1, Print: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Already with my Count by SQL all that are zeroed, are really zeroed, PRINT: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


I found the solution by doing the following, Count before group by.

var Ofertas = from a in produtoMarcaService.GetAll()
                        join b in FornecedorProdMarcaCotacaoService.GetAll() on a.IdProdutoMarca equals b.IdProdutoMarca into juncao
                            from c in juncao.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    join d in MarcaService.GetAll() on a.IdMarca equals d.IdMarca
                    where a.IdProduto == id && a.DtDesativacao == null
                    let Count = juncao.Count()
                    group c by new { d.DsMarca, d.IdMarca, a.CdProdutoMarca, a.DsCaracteristTecnica, a.DsComercialProduto , Count} into f
                    select new
  • I found this solution but is there any way to improve? I talk about performance.

  • I usually use Dapper in these queries/reports querys to improve performance. But for your question specifically for LINQ I see no improvement.

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