React-Native run-Ios does not work but Xcode does


Viewed 122 times


I created a project RN 0.59 where everything was working. After the libraries are installed the command

react-native run-ios

stopped working. The simulator opens the application, staying on the splash screen for a while, and then closing the app.

However if I open the project in the Xcode, and have it executed, it normally opens.

Does anyone know why?

  • try: kill port process: lsof -n -i4TCP:8081 | sed '1 d' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9and reset the cache: reactive-native start -- --reset-cache

  • Have you installed the Pods? Enter the Ios/ folder and run: pod install

  • i am using v 0.59 from RN. pod install returns this: cd Ios && pod install && cd .. [! ] No`Podfile' found in the project directory.

  • nothing yet, remains crashed and the Metro frozen in Loading dependency Graph, done.

  • You need to add the Podfile to the folder, install the cocoapods, is using Yarn: yarn add cocoapods or npm: npm i cocoapods

  • Obs: to run on Android, don’t forget to create a file at the root of the android folder:, written inside: sdk.dir = /Users/${USER}/Library/Android/sdk it must be pointing to the directory of your sdk 8 installed on the machine, and the emulator must be open.

  • I was using only the React-Native link, until then it was working, I never needed the cocoapods. I know version 0.60 requires Cocoa, but not 0.59

  • Gives a look here, can do manually if you want.

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