I have the following problem when trying to click on a pagination using python and Selenium
Paging is a table
<td class="dr-dscr-inact rich-datascr-inact" onclick="Event.fire(this, 'rich:datascroller:onscroll', {'page': '2});">2</td>
created the following method
def Proxima_pagina():
#pego o id da tabela onde está a paginação
tabela = Driver.find_element_by_id('form:j_id162:dtRick_table')
#faço um for em todos os td e mando clicar
for td in tabela.find_elements_by_xpath(".//td[@class='dr-dscr-inact rich-datascr-inact']"):
it starts at the first click on 2, but gives the following error
Thanks for the answer. The page seems to me if loaded by Ajax.
– Eolosthewind
Still in error? What was the result?
– Spencer Melo