What are the benefits of object orientation?


Viewed 55 times


Encapsulation allows isolating changes in the implementation code without affecting the interface offered by the class. It does not allow the internal state to commit to the client of the class (promotes concealment of information). It also helps in cohesion and DRY.

Abstraction is an advantage for managing complexity when working with complex systems with our limited minds. Classes are abstractions, which can overlap at different levels or layers.

Heritage promotes abstraction and reuse.

Polymorphism promotes what even?

Ah... and all this heals cancer.

What are the propagated (and actual) benefits of object orientation? What is it good for?

  • 3

    "All this heals cancer"...

  • I also wonder if it’s dup, I don’t have a position yet, I need to reread everything there. Anyway the summary is in the question OOP serves to better deal with complexity, that’s it. There are some specific points to be talked about. I keep thinking if I shouldn’t give an answer there, it’ll just be sad because mine will always be down there like it’s wrong.

  • Rereading the answers there, I had flown positively in two and until now I wonder why I did not negatively to another that mixes things, speaks a lot of nonsense, I do not know if they answered well what was asked. Luiz Viera’s answer even answers in the end, I do not consider it canonical, but it is a good answer, the beginning seems a little lost. The mgibsonbr is very good, but I think it answers less, because much of what he says there is worth to other things, and I think they even talk about modularization more than OOP :D. OK, they talk a little. The commentators are very unhappy there. I don’t know if I...

  • ...I would answer better, so I don’t think I’ll try, but there’s no real answer there. They’re useful, but not definitive answers. This does not mean that I am not yet duplicated here. But I am still on the fence, so I am waiting for more people to speak. Pity, F’s is just Umbleweed. And it is that business, if it is already difficult to define the right, imagine finding the benefits that depend on the definition :) It has advantage that was mentioned there that it can be said that it is a face of a coin that brings also disadvantage.

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