String conversion problem in Timespan


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In the system I’m developing a user sends me a TimeSpan via Post, but when I catch the String that should be the TimeSpan and apply a TimeSpan.Parse he gives the error:

"Could not parse Timespan because at least one of numerical components is out of range or contains too many digits."

To string is coming to me like this : 1416395054

  • 1

    Kaique, performed a test and converted to "00:02:21.6395054" ! var tempo = new Timespan(1416395054);

1 answer


Kaique, I performed a test and converted to "00:02:21.6395054" !

var tempo = new TimeSpan(1416395054);

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • sorry, I didn’t mind turning to int, since in the description of the method accepts string, Thank you so much for the help

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