Open a Flexdashboard in another browser tab with "Runtime:Shiny" through an Actionbutton in a Shiny app


Viewed 114 times


I have a Shiny application of the following structure, where the following code is named app.R


    ui <- fluidPage(

        theme = shinytheme("darkly"),
        navbarPage(title = "Teste ",
               tabPanel("Renderizar Rmarkdown em outra aba",

                            actionButton("teste", "Teste app dentro app"))

    server <- function(input, output) {
           observeEvent(input$teste, {
         rmarkdown::run ("arquivo.Rmd")

Inside Shiny there is the execution of a flexdashboard, via rmarkdown :: run, because the flexdashboard contains the parameter runtime:shiny

where what has been termed arquivo.Rmd, has the following structure

title: "Gene Expression Biclustering"
author: "Bryan Lewis"
    orientation: rows
    social: menu
    source_code: embed
runtime: shiny

```{r global, include=FALSE}
# load data in 'global' chunk so it can be shared by all users of the dashboard
res <- biclust(BicatYeast, method=BCPlaid(), verbose=FALSE)

Inputs {.sidebar}

 selectInput("clusterNum", label = h3("Cluster number"), 
    choices = list("1" = 1, "2" = 2, "3" = 3, "4" = 4, "5" = 5), 
    selected = 1)

Microarray data matrix for 80 experiments with Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
organism extracted from R's `biclust` package.

Sebastian Kaiser, Rodrigo Santamaria, Tatsiana Khamiakova, Martin Sill, Roberto
  Theron, Luis Quintales, Friedrich Leisch and Ewoud De Troyer. (2015). biclust:
  BiCluster Algorithms. R package version 1.2.0.


### Heatmap


num <- reactive(as.integer(input$clusterNum))

col = colorRampPalette(c("red", "white", "darkblue"), space="Lab")(10)
    p = par(mai=c(0,0,0,0))
    heatmapBC(BicatYeast, res, number=num(), xlab="", ylab="",
      order=TRUE, useRaster=TRUE, col=col)

Row {.tabset}

### Parallel Coordinates

  parallelCoordinates(BicatYeast, res, number=num())

### Data for Selected Cluster

# only display table for values in cluster 4
  BicatYeast[which(res@RowxNumber[, num()]), which(res@NumberxCol[num(), ])]

I created another code, with the following data, where I made one. bat to it, and a shortcut on my desktop, and by clicking the shortcut , the app opens directly on Chrome

runApp("C:\\Users\\holiveira\\Desktop\\trabalhando\\teste", launch.browser = TRUE)

The big problem is I couldn’t make one Shiny execute a .Rmd with runtime: shiny

I would like a solution for my shinyapp actionbutton to run this flexdashboard in another browser tab

  • 1

    Try to put runtime: shiny above output in the header YAML.

  • It did not work, apparently there is a limitation of running a Shiny inside another Shiny, I thought of trying via code run through another session, but I still could not. An output is to climb several Shiny to, and create a button screen that directs to the shiny link, but this would be very expensive, if it could run straight would be ideal Warning: Error in <Anonymous>: Can’t call runApp() from Within runApp(). If your application code contains runApp(), Please remove it.

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