How to display a Double Chained Circular List


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How do I display the values entered in a Double Chained Circular List?

Follow my code with my attempt:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std;

int x, num;

struct lista
    int valor;
    struct lista * prox;
    struct lista * ant;

struct lista * inicio;
struct lista * fim;
struct lista * aux;

//Insere na lista o número passado por parãmetro
void insere(int valor)
    aux = (struct lista *)malloc(sizeof(struct lista));
    aux->valor = valor;
    aux->prox = NULL;
    aux->ant = NULL;

    if (inicio == NULL)
        inicio = aux;
        fim->prox = aux;
        aux->ant = fim;
    fim = aux;
    inicio->ant = fim;

//Mostra todos os elementos da lista
void exibirElementos()
    while (1)
        cout << inicio->valor;
        if (inicio->prox->valor == fim->valor)

int main()
    inicio = NULL;
    fim = NULL;
    aux = NULL;

The method that is responsible for displaying the values is exibirElementos().

I’m using the Visual Studio 2013 to compile.

  • I can post a pseudo-code?

  • @Enzotiezzi Can yes.

1 answer


First, put the method signature exibirElementos1 shortly after the declaration of struct lista
void exibirElementos1(struct lista * node);

Make a recursive function that will pass through your entire list as follows.

    void exibirElementos()

    void exibirElementos1(lista *node)
        if (node != null)

This way it starts with the first node on your list, having you have a node declared with the name inicio, and to exactly the last node of your list printing everyone on screen.

And iteratively

    void exibirElementosIterativo(lista* node)
        while (node != NULL)
            cout << node->valor;
            node = node->prox;
  • This way you are giving error, is saying that the method does not need arguments. 'exibirElementos()':function does not take 1 arguments

  • update the code so I can see how you did it

  • I edited there, changed the name of the second method exibirElementos for exibirElementos1.

  • Updated question

  • still presenting the same problem ? edited again, give a look now

  • Now you’re giving another problem: 'exibirElementos1': identifier not found. Not finding the function within the method exibirElementos()

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