How to write this SQL with Adonis query Builder?


Viewed 1,098 times


Hello, I’m starting with Adonis and I have problems/difficulty to assemble a query. My simplified Sql is like this:

SELECT DISTINCT dtd.id_disciplina, dis.nome_disciplina
FROM  tbl_docente_turma_disciplina dtd, tbl_disciplina dis
WHERE dtd.id_ie = 1
AND  dtd.id_disciplina = dis.id_disciplina

I tried some things like:

  const Table = Database.table('tbl_docente_turma_disciplina as dtd', 'tbl_disciplina as dis')

            return await Table
                        .distinct('dtd.id_disciplina', 'dis.nome_disciplina')
                        .where('dtd.id_ie', 1)
                        .where('dtd.id_disciplina', 'dis.id_disciplina')

But with mistakes:

 ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column 'dis.nome_disciplina' in 'field list'

From what I could notice I can access the prefix fields (dtd) but not the prefix fields (dis)

Can anyone help me how to write something like this on Adonis? Thank you!!

  • What have you tried? What difficulties have you had? Any mistakes?

  • I forgot to put my tests. I updated my post. Thanks for the return!

  • Apparently Adonis does not support Cartesian product, it is mandatory to use JOIN

  • Putz, I really took a long time to understand this, I ended up creating a view in mysql because I don’t know much about SQL to do this adaptation. Thank you for the reply.

2 answers


Hello, have you created Models for each of these tables? If you can’t do it as follows:


'use strict'
const Model = use('Model')

class Disciplina extends Model {

  static get table() {
    return 'tbl_disciplina'

 DocenteTurmaDisciplina() {
    return this.hasMany('App/Models/DocenteTurmaDisciplina', 'id_disciplina', 'id_disciplina')

In the model Docenteadisciplina.js as follows:

'use strict'
const Model = use('Model')

class Disciplina extends Model {

  static get table() {
    return 'tbl_docente_turma_disciplina'

Thus you will create the relationship of the Model with the table, and of Disciplines with the name of the teachers.

Your controller query will look something like this:

Already understanding that you imported the models

const Disciplina = use('App/Models/Disciplina')
const DocenteTurmaDisciplina = use("App/Models/DocenteTurmaDisciplina")


const query = Disciplina.query()

query.with('DocenteTurmaDisciplina', (builder) => {
  builder.where('id_ie', 1)

query.distinct('tbl_docente_turma_disciplina.id_disciplina', 'tbl_disciplina.nome_disciplina')

The explanation for this is here:

PS: in the models you have to put the Primary key in the primaryKey method, check if you will need to change this in the models.

See you around


Test like this and see if anything comes back

return await Database
  • Thanks for the help but it didn’t work

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