How to load an Oracle database into R?


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I have access to an Oracle database, but have always used this data in the R using the PL/SQL to extract the data in csv. But now I would like to connect my Oracle database on itself RStudio.

After some research, I found some solutions, but I still couldn’t make them work.



Conectar_Oracle = odbcDriverConnect("driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};

But the following error message came:

[RODBC] ERROR: state IM002, code 0, message [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Nome da fonte de dados não encontrado e nenhum driver padrão especificado

In some forums they say you need to install the Oracle connector, in others it says that it is possible to connect with the bank directly. But I couldn’t make any of those options work.

Can you help me? Where am I going wrong? What should I do?

1 answer


For me what worked was to use the RJDBC.

The arrangement I’m proposing uses two files in the folder. One with the jar driver and other text file to hide the source code access credentials.

The first file can be downloaded here. Let’s say the second file was called Its content is similar to this:


And then you can use these files to create the connection with

driver <- RJDBC::JDBC("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver", "ojdbc8.jar")
configs <- readLines('')
conexao <- RJDBC::dbConnect(driver, configs[1], configs[2], configs[3])

And then just use the object conexao to make the query at the bank:

tabela <- RJDBC::dbGetQuery(conexao, "SELECT * FROM TABELA")


Below is how the object of driver

driver <- RJDBC::JDBC("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver", "ojdbc8.jar")
[1] "JDBCDriver"
[1] "RJDBC"

Formal class 'JDBCDriver' [package "RJDBC"] with 2 slots
  ..@ identifier.quote: chr NA
  ..@ jdrv            :Formal class 'jobjRef' [package "rJava"] with 2 slots
  .. .. ..@ jobj  :<externalptr> 
  .. .. ..@ jclass: chr "oracle/jdbc/OracleDriver"
  • Hello Tomás Barcellos thank you very much for the reply. I’m having difficulty in the 'driver' field, when I try to run it it shows me an error that says the class was not found: "Error in . jfindClass(as.Character(driverClass)[1]) : java.lang.Classnotfoundexception"

  • 1

    You downloaded the file to the same project folder?

  • Hello Tomas, while I was waiting for your answer, I managed to find the error. I have tested and is working perfectly. Thank you so much for your help!

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