Flask template with nodejs and webpack


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I have no experience with the "new" front-end technologies. I have always devoted more to the back.

Question: You can work with flask (Jinja) templates using Node + webpack to develop the front? Because flask templates make use of the resources Jinja which make it possible to embed python code inside html files (http://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/tutorial/templates/#the-base-layout).

Currently I have used Node+webpack only for javascript and css, for html I have done separately, ie creating flask templates in the conventional way. I wanted to develop the whole front in Ode but without having to give up using the flask templates. I saw that there is a Loader for html in the webpack, but I don’t know how it will treat html files that contain embedded python code.

I also have doubts about how this webpack html download works, like, what does it generate at the end of the build? Does it put everything in a JS file? Because if so, then it’s a problem, because views (in the flask architecture) need to point to an html file, that is, when calling a given url, flask returns the proper html file (informed at programming time), which will be rendered in the browser.

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