all good? I’m having a hard time creating a filter on my site.
The problem is, I created a specific component with the input and another that receives the list of items, I need to do the search in the field (input) and below filter the searched item
my input html component is like this
class="form-control form-control-sm form-control-mb"
placeholder="Encontre o melhor drink para sua festa!"
my ts input is like this
pesquisarDrink(event) {
const bebida = event.target.value;
I did this way at the beginning to bring the results
in the item component, I called the following function:
<header (valueSearch)='pesquisarDrink($event)'></header>
I’m very lost in it, if anyone can help me, I would be immensely grateful.
Follows Cod from git https://github.com/guimaraesSalgado/drinksApp (if you want to understand better