Treat Json return array with CURL


Viewed 651 times


The code below returns real estate code results from a Rest API, and it comes with array within array, expected to treat the list to get only a Code array with its value, e.g.:

$dados = 'Codigo';

$key         =  'c9fdd79584fb8d369a6a579af1a8f681'; //Informe sua chave aqui
$postFields  =  json_encode( $dados );
$url         =  '' . $key;
$url        .=  '&pesquisa=' . $postFields;

$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER , array( 'Accept: application/json' ) );
$result = curl_exec( $ch );

$result = json_decode( $result, true );

$totalImovel = count($result);

echo '<pre>';
print_r( $result );
echo '</pre>';


    [3152] => Array
            [Codigo] => 3152

    [3153] => Array
            [Codigo] => 3153

    [2448] => Array
            [Codigo] => 2448

    [3141] => Array
            [Codigo] => 3141

    [3151] => Array
            [Codigo] => 3151

    [25] => Array
            [Codigo] => 25

    [38] => Array
            [Codigo] => 38

    [3378] => Array
            [Codigo] => 3378

    [42] => Array
            [Codigo] => 42

    [54] => Array
            [Codigo] => 54


How to make this result look like the example below, this could not do:

'Codigo': 3152,

And I tried to print the results in a for:

$totalImovel = count($result);

for($i=0;$i<$totalImovel;$i++) {

echo $i."<br>";
echo $result[$i]['Codigo']."<br>";


But I don’t get any results.

3 answers



echo '<pre>';
//print_r( $result );
foreach ($result as $item) {
    echo $item['Codigo'];
    echo '<br>';
echo '</pre>';

What it takes is that when you call "for" with index 0 the object is not found, because the index is already coming as "3152", etc. Also you can take the direct code in the index this way:

echo '<pre>';
foreach ($result as $key => $item) {
    echo 'Código: '. $key;
    echo '<br>';
echo '</pre>';
  • 1

    Actually, it’s called an associative array (something like that), where you don’t use the index (starting with 0) but a key(in your case the code) that is linked to the value.


Another option to create an array from another array using a key like index would be to use the function array_column of PHP.

$lista = array(

$arr2= array_column($lista, 'codigo');
  • Made surgeon, clean and precise, thanks for your help.


You can do it this way:

    $lista = array(
    $lista2 = array();
    foreach($lista as $chave => $valor){

    $jsonObj = json_encode($lista2);

If you did not want to work with JSON you can use the contents of the array $lista2

  • It is returning Json from an @Murilo API, and is transforming json into an array (json_decode($result, true) -> the true parameter transforms json into array).

  • @Brunoromualdo exactly, he gets a JSON, and turns it into an array to try to treat like he said in the question, in my answer, in addition to doing exactly what he asked in the question, I only included his option to go back to JSON, what the problem is?

  • It’s more a matter of turning into json again, I don’t think he wants to bring a json turn into array and go back to json again.

  • @Brunoromualdo why in my answer I put at the end that if he does not want to use Jason to use the $Lista2 data

  • It comes from Json to Array, it makes no sense to repeat the process, but thank you for your contribution.

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