Changing the name of a data set field - Powerbi


Viewed 193 times


Hello I have a data set (Excel) that was loaded in Powerbi. When I change the name of a column/field in Excel Powerbi does not actualize the data because it does not recognize the name of the column that was renamed in Excel. How can I make Powerbi understand that the column/ field is still the same but only had the name of the field changed?

1 answer


The steps are as follows:

Goes into Edit Query:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Select the table showing the error ( In my case with the name 'Plan 1' ) right click on it and then select Advanced Editor:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In the window that opens you will have to change the name of the old column to the new one manually. In my example I previously had a column with the name 'COLUNA3' and wanted to change his name to 'COLUNAC'. Take the example:

1 - Before the Column Name change.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

2 - Result after changing.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Once done, just update the table and use normally.

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