Dynamic column with value appearing wrong in Webgrid


Viewed 101 times


I have a problem when creating a table with dynamic columns. I add the columns in a loop this way:

for (int i = 0; i < attrIds.Count; i++)
            resource_attr attr = resourceAttrRepository.Find(attrIds[i]);

            int local = i;
            columns.Add(new WebGridColumn()
                ColumnName = attr.code,
                Header = attr.resource_attr_name,
                Style = "column-attr",
                CanSort = true,
                Format = (item) => (((List<string>)item.attrValues).Count < local) ? @item.attrValues[local] : "out"

The header column is correct, but the value is always appearing "out".

I am using ASP.Net MVC 4 and the Webgrid component.

1 answer


The Value always appears OUT because it falls in the if ternary Else

Format = (item) => (((List<string>)item.attrValues).Count < local) ? @item.attrValues[local] : "SEMPRE ESTÁ CAINDO AQUI."
  • yes, but because it always falls on Else? debugging I see that the local variable is always greater than the amount of objects within the item list.attrValues

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