I have the following question:
1 - I have a routine that runs through a database, which has file information you need without writing, may have up to 100 records.
2 - The application needs to go through the record, and collect the information, and write the files.
3 - The files to be written can be large size.
4 - Need to be written sequentially, ie every written file, hence then the application will go to the next.
I developed the code below using Thread.
1 - As it is all Jobs, are executed at the same time, As I understood, can not happen, because if the database is too large, the memory consumption by JOB, is immense.
I need that even if you are using the concept of Thread parallelism, this routine works serialized, that is, record by record, only when one Thread is finished, the other can start.
I tried using Waitfor, but as it is in the main process locked the application, thing that can not happen.
I tried several possibilities but I couldn’t, could someone give me a hint on how to do this? Run Thread sequentially, but with parallelism?
while not dm.quArquivos do
nControleThreads := nControleThreads + 1;
thEscreveArquivo:= tEscreveArquivo.Create(True);
thEscreveArquivo.sDriverId := dm.quBancoTIPO_BANCO.AsString;
thEscreveArquivo.sDataBase := dm.quBancoDATABASE.AsString;
thEscreveArquivo.sOwner := dm.quBancoOWNER.AsString;
thEscreveArquivo.sServer := dm.quBancoSERVIDOR.AsString;
thEscreveArquivo.sipserver := dm.quBancoIP.AsString;
thEscreveArquivo.sPort := dm.quBancoPORTA.AsString;
thEscreveArquivo.sCharacterSet := 'utf8';
thEscreveArquivo.sUserName := dm.quBancoUSUARIO.AsString;
thEscreveArquivo.sPassWord := dm.quBancoSENHA.AsString;
thEscreveArquivo.sTodosDatabase :=
thEscreveArquivo.sNomeArquivo := sNomeArquivoOrigem;
thEscreveArquivo.sNomeArquivoZip := sNomeArquivoZipDestino;
thEscreveArquivo.sSenhaCritpoGrafia :=
thEscreveArquivo.sAlias := dm.quBancoALIAS.AsString;
thEscreveArquivo.sCaminho := sCaminho;
thEscreveArquivo.IidBanco := dm.quBancoID.AsInteger;
thEscreveArquivo.FreeOnTerminate := True;
thEscreveArquivo.OnTerminate := ControleThreads;
If one can be written ONLY when the other is done, what is the point of using thread?
– Junior Moreira
The point would be simply not to stop implementation, as the process is cumbersome and time-consuming.
– Mano