I’m having trouble with this part of my show. I have to do a function with the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm, but it is giving the following error: segmentation failure (image of the recorded core) and I am not able to solve. The problem seems to be in recursiveness.
void BronKerbosch(int p[], int r[], int x[], Grafo G){
int tam = G->V, i = 1;
bool pVazio, xVazio;
pVazio = Vazio(p, tam);
xVazio = Vazio(x, tam);
if (pVazio && xVazio){
while (i <= tam && pVazio != true){
int v = 0;
int newP[tam], newX[tam];
IniP(newP, tam);
IniX(newX, tam);
v = p[i];
Uniao(v, r, tam);
Intersecao(newP, v, p, G);
Intersecao(newX, v, x, G);
BronKerbosch(newP, r, newX, G);
Retira_v(v, p, tam);
Insere(v, x);
IniR(r, tam);
void IniP(int *p, int V){
int i = 1;
while(i <= V){
p[i] = i;
void IniR(int *r, int V){
int i = 1;
while(i <= V){
r[i] = 0;
void IniX(int *x, int V){
int i = 1;
while(i <= V){
x[i] = 0;
bool Vazio(int *v, int V){
bool vazio = true;
int i = 1;
while(i <= V){
if(v[i] != 0){
vazio = false;
return vazio;
void Uniao(int v, int *r, int tam){
int i = 1;
while(r[i] != 0 && i <= tam){
r[i] = v;
void Intersecao(int *newV, int v, int *old, Grafo G){
int tam = G->V, j = 1, w = 0;
lista a = G->adj[v-1];
no* c = a;
w = c->w;
int i = 1;
while(i <= tam){
if(old[i] == w){
newV[j] = w;
c = c->prox;
void Retira_v(int v, int *p, int tam){
int i = 1;
while(p[i] != v && i <= tam){
if(p[i] == v){
p[i] = 0;
void Insere(int v, int *x){
int i;
while(x[i] != 0 && x[i] != v){
if(x[i] != v){
x[i] = v;
void Imprime(int *r){
int i = 1;
printf("Clique maximal:\n");
while(r[i] != 0){
printf("%d\t", r[i]);
Add the other functions if possible
– Andre Lacomski
I put the other.
– Matheus Barbosa Santos
Andre Lacomski the ones you want or some other?
– Matheus Barbosa Santos