Is it possible to create a handleChange for a form that takes the values of a Redux store?


Viewed 31 times


Next, I’m creating an app and came across this problem: I have a store set and want to create a data update form in Atlas (Mongodb). But I want this form, already come with the values that are in the store. So far so good... Now my question is: How to create a handleChange for this situation? Since only access the data in this case is not enough...

**NOTE: The data is something like:

(5) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]

0: {date: {…}, _id: "5d66d1ffaafb603850a450be", value: 359, category: "Mercado", author: "5d66bb426d80e62f54d02724", …}

1: {date: {…}, _id: "5d66d5f9aad2665674d2be1f", value: 359, category: "Cartão", author: "5d66bb426d80e62f54d02724", …}

2: {date: {…}, _id: "5d6aafa4b89a1d11a08f1890", value: 4500, category: "Salário", author: "5d66bb426d80e62f54d02724", …}

3: {date: {…}, _id: "5d6ab44bb89a1d11a08f1893", value: 112, category: "Salário", author: "5d66bb426d80e62f54d02724", …}

4: {date: {…}, _id: "5d6ab458b89a1d11a08f1894", value: 1000, category: "Salário", author: "5d66bb426d80e62f54d02724", …}

length: 5__proto__: Array(0)

import React from 'react'
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux'
import Actions from '../../redux/actions'
// import useForm from '../../useHooks/useForm'

const Crud = ({title}) => {

    const wallet = useSelector(state => state.wallet)
    const dispatch = useDispatch()

    let data = []

    let patch = ''
    let deleteItem = ''

    if(title === "Entradas") {
        data = wallet.entrys.all
        patch = (id) => {
        deleteItem = (id) => {
    } else if(title === "Despesas") {
        data = wallet.outs.all
        patch = (id) => {

        deleteItem = (id) => {

    return (
        <div className="crud">

                    <th valign="center">Valor</th>
                {!wallet.loading && wallet.entrys.all && wallet.outs.all && data.length >=1 ?
                    { => {
                        return (
                                <td><input  value={item.value} /></td>
                                <td><input value={item.category} /></td>
                                <td>{`${} de ${}`}</td>
                                <td className="btn-opts">
                                    <button onClick={() => deleteItem(item._id)}>Deletar</button>
                                    <button onClick={() => patch(item._id)}>Salvar</button>
                </> :


export default Crud
  • You speak Gabe, beauty? Let me try to understand: Do you want to make an onChange to change the value that is already in the Redux store? From what I saw in your code, you take the data, put it in the input and let the user change the data, check?

  • That’s right, I’ve actually been able to sort it out... pretty rough, you know, when you can’t think of anything? That was the moment, I spent a few minutes watching some videos watching nothing on youtube and I got, I created a state with the value of the store, so I can change it only in the component without interfering in anything... But Carlos, thank you so much! <3

  • Tranquil Gabe. I believe this approach there is better and consumes less resource. Success for you.

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