How can I change this code so that it works as follows: in case it puts the initial letters of each item added in $aInitials there if click it filters listing all items with that initial letter with all numbers, characters and symbols he also inserts them individually making them appear in the list of links in $initials like a way to make a single link to identify all items with numbers and characters there if it was clicked list-if all items not started by Alphabet letters.
How can I do that ?
<table width='400' align="center">
mysql_connect("localhost","usuariobanco", "senhabanco");
$db = "tabela";
$coluna = "coluna";
$Consulta = mysql_query(" SELECT UPPER(LEFT($coluna, 1)) inicial FROM $db GROUP BY inicial ORDER BY inicial") or die (mysql_error());
while ($rs = mysql_fetch_array($Consulta)) {
$aIniciais = $rs["inicial"];
$v = "<font style='font-family: Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif; font-size: xx-small; '>
<a href='?inicial&ini=$aIniciais'> $aIniciais</a></font>" ;
printf(" <td>| $v</td> ");
$inicial2 = $_GET['ini'];
$conta = mysql_query("select * from $db WHERE LEFT($coluna,1) = '$inicial2' order by $coluna ASC") or print (mysql_error());
$total = mysql_num_rows($conta);
// inicio paginação
function f_paginacao ($tr,$rpp,$pg) { // $tr eh total_records e $rpp eh registros por pagina
$inicial2 = $_GET['ini'];
if ($tr%$rpp==0){$pages = intval($tr / $rpp)-1;} else {$pages = intval($tr / $rpp);} // calcula quantas paginas serao necessarias
if ($tr>0){
echo " Total de Registros Encontrados: <b>$tr</b> - ";
$NumRegistroInicial = ($pg*$rpp)+1;
if ($pg <> $pages) {$NumRegistroFinal = ($pg*$rpp)+$rpp;} else {$NumRegistroFinal = $tr;}
echo "Exibindo Registros de <b>$NumRegistroInicial</b> a <b>$NumRegistroFinal</b>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<p align=\"center\">Páginas: ";
if ($pg <> 0) {
$showpage = $pg - 1;
echo '<a id=mulink href="'.$PHP_SELF.'??inicial&ini='.$inicial2.'&pg=0">Primeiro</a> ';
echo '<a id=mulink href="'.$PHP_SELF.'??inicial&ini='.$inicial2.'&pg='.$showpage.'">Anteriores</a> ';
for ($i = $pg-5; $i<$pg; $i++) {
if ($i>=0) {
echo '<a id=mulink href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?inicial&ini='.$inicial2.'&pg='.$i.'">'.$showpage.'</a>';
echo ' ';
for ($i = $pg; ($i<=$pages AND $i<=($pg+5)); $i++) {
if ($i == $pg) {
echo '<font face=Arial size=2 color=0000FF><b>'.$showpage.' </b></font>';}
else {
echo '<a id=mulink href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?inicial&ini='.$inicial2.'&pg='.$i.'">'.$showpage.'</a>';
echo ' ';
if ($pg < $pages) {
$showpage = $pg + 1;
echo '<a id=mulink href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?inicial&ini='.$inicial2.'&pg='.$showpage.'"> Próximas</a>';
echo '<a id=mulink href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?inicial&ini='.$inicial2.'&pg='.$pages.'"> Último</a>';
$dbname=""; // Indique o nome do banco de dados que será aberto
$usuario=""; // Indique o nome do usuário que tem acesso
$password=""; // Indique a senha do usuário
//1º passo - Conecta ao servidor MySQL
$id = mysql_connect("localhost",$usuario,$password);
//2º passo - Seleciona o Banco de Dados
//3º passo - Contar os registros da tabela
$sql_tr= mysql_query("select COUNT(*) as total from $db WHERE LEFT($coluna,1) = '$inicial2' ");
$res_tr= mysql_fetch_object($sql_tr);
$tr=$res_tr->total; //tr total de registros
if (isset($_GET[rpp])) {$rpp = $_GET[rpp];} else {$rpp = 50;} // $rpp é registros por pagina - o padrao é 10
if (isset($_GET[pg])) {$pg = $_GET[pg];} else {$pg = 0;}
$inicial = $pg * $rpp ;
$sql = "select * from $db WHERE LEFT($coluna,1) = '$inicial2' order by $coluna ASC LIMIT $inicial,$rpp";
$res = mysql_query($sql,$id);
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="50%" align="center">
if($resultadoposter = mysql_num_rows($conta)) // VERIFICA RESULTADO
$i = 0; // define o $i como 0 pra ter um ponto de partida pra coluna
echo "<tr>"; // inicia a pimeira linha
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
$poster = $row[""]; // ainformar a coluna da tabela entre as aspas
if($i == 2) // se ja tiver impresso as colunas
$i = 0; // reseta a contagem
echo "</tr>"; // quebra a linha com tr
} // IF i == Coluna
$i++; // e sempre adiciona +1 pra $i que significa a contagem
print("<td><font face='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' size='1'>$poster</font></td>");
echo '</tr></tr>';
Thanks man I managed to get the code working the way I wanted thanks to you thank you so much for the help.
– Rodrigo FP