How to pass data between pages?


Viewed 701 times


I’m trying to pass some values between pages using Managedbeans, but it’s not working:

public class Chute {
    private Boolean chutar;
    //getters e setters...

On the first page XHTML I have some <p:commandButton/>:


<p:commandButton value="Chutar" action="#{Chute.setChutar(true)}" onstart="'pag2.xhtml');"/>
<p:commandButton value="Passar" action="#{Chute.setChutar(false)}" onstart="'pag2.xhtml');"/>

The second takes the data sent by the first:


<p:panel rendered="#{Chute.chutar}">
    <p:outputLabel value="Chutou!"/>
<p:panel rendered="#{Chute.chutar ? false : true}">
    <p:outputLabel value="Passou!"/>

The problem is when one of the buttons is clicked, the pag2.xhtml appears blank.
How can I solve? There are other approaches?

  • Try to change onstart for oncomplete. The problem is that it is opening the new window before the action be completed.

  • @Wakim, it was the same. The Managedbean needs a builder?

  • If the page is empty, there may be an error in your XHTML file and JSF cannot render the page.

  • If I put rendered="true" or simply remove the attribute, the panel appears.

  • Just exchange the rendered for #{not Chute.chutar} or #{! Chute.chutar} that works.

  • Did you give any exceptions (in the log’s)? Type one NullPoiterException for the attribute chutar?

  • It’s all clear, no exceptions.

  • Like the panels of pag2.xhtml You know whose session it is? I mean, isn’t he getting an empty session? For there is nothing saying it is to catch the object on which the value was assigned in pag1.xhtml.

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1 answer


Try to change your commandButton for that reason:

<p:commandButton value="Chutar" ajax="true" oncomplete="'pag2.xhtml');">
    <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{Chute.chutar}" value="true />

I need to test, but I don’t know if it is possible to call getters and setters methods directly as a button action.

  • Renato, it is possible yes, with a Method Expression it is possible to call a method, although it is a Setter. But the setPropertyActionListener is interesting.

  • Didn’t work..

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