Laravel - wrong return of last element of the bank within a loop


Viewed 112 times


When records are entered within a loop and is made a select to get the last record based on a conditional, after the fifth interaction he no longer takes the last record and keeps picking up the fifth.

I’m using Laravel with the bank MySQL and I have a table with the fields:

  • id
  • code
  • cliente_id
  • date
  • sequential

The year sequence will be used to assemble a code based on the year and the sequence as for example:

  • FC124/2018
  • FC125/2018
  • FC1/2019
  • FC2/2019
  • FC3/2019

My algorithm follows the following steps:

  1. Save a new record with cliente_id and date. (id is autonumbering)
  2. Take the max of sequential_year of a given year
  3. Sum +1
  4. Assemble code based on these values. Ex. If the 2019 maximum sequential_year is 3 then it will generate FC4/2019 code
  5. Update code and sequential year in the record.

The code below is the method that generates the new code and updates it in the record. The variable $Insert already owns the obj with the current record that was inserted to be able to update.

This method is called inside a loop that inserts a record and calls the method gerarCodigo() passing the entered record.

public function gerarCodigo($insert)

     $ultimoNumeroAno = \App\Ficha::where(
       DB::Raw('year(data)'), date('Y')

     $numero_ano = $ultimoNumeroAno + 1;

     $codigo = 'FC'.($numero_ano).'/'.date('Y');

        ['codigo' => $codigo, 
         'sequencial_ano' => $numero_ano

Until the fifth interaction sequencial_ano is picked up correctly, but then always keeps catching the 5 repeated and repeated on average.

Does anyone know why? Is there any better way to get the last sequencial_ano one-year?

Note: I’ve also tried using with order_by('id', 'desc')->first() and gave in the same

  • could be recorded only the sequence number of the year will facilitate at the time of adding + 1 and then if it will have to show FC writes in a field or only show when it is displaying

  • Thanks, but I found that I was using the current year even when the generated form had a date from another year. I posted an answer explaining everything.

1 answer


I just figured out the problem.

In this passage DB::Raw('year(data)'), date('Y')) I’m using php’s date() function to pick up the current date. But the correct one would be to pick up the current record date. One thing I forgot to mention is that each record is one month.

That is, when it turned the year to 2020 he the condition in Where was stuck in 2019 and with that always caught the same sequential.

I started taking the year this way:

$ano = date('Y', strtotime($insert->data));

And in the parts where he wore date('Y'), I started using the variable $year

where(DB::Raw('year(data)'), $ano)

$codigo = 'FC'.($numero_ano).'/'.$ano;

I thought the problem was running multiple BD interactions in a loop, but it was actually just a logic error.

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