How to Change the Language of Netbeans IDE 11 on Windows 10


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As we can see in the IDE photo is in English. The compiler too, but I want to modify to Portuguese-Brazil.

I checked the file netbeans.CONFIG which is in the folder C:\Program Files\NetBeans-11.1\netbeans\etc.

But even setting the line (netbeans_default_options=) for -J-Duser.language=pt -J-Duser.region=BR, the compiler and the IDE are still in English.

  • 1

    Try to download it from the site already in en. You have an option to choose the language there. The link is already marked English tho. LINK: netbeans

  • 1

    This version of your Link is A 8.0.1 The one I want to change the value is from version 11

  • 1 here you have netbeans 11 link in English

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