Deserializar json vector in Dart/Flutter


Viewed 860 times


I’m trying to deserialize this json vector [{"i":737,"n":1}] but I’m not getting the variables "i" and "n".

Class to deserialize

class PortasAbertas {
  int i;
  int n;

  PortasAbertas({this.i, this.n});

  PortasAbertas.fromJson(Map<int, dynamic> json) {
    i = json[i];
    n = json[n];

  Map<int, dynamic> toJson() {
    final Map<int, dynamic> data = new Map<int, dynamic>();
    data[i] = this.i;
    data[n] = this.n;
    return data;

Object I’m using to deserialize

 if (endereco == "portasabertas") {
     PortasAbertas objeto = new PortasAbertas.fromJson(responseJson);
      if (objeto.n == "[]"){
        _msg = ("Nenhuma porta esta aberta");
      } else {
        _msg = ("Portas abertas ${objeto.n}");

3 answers


Here’s an example of how you can do it

class Service extends Entity{
  int           id;
  int           idUser;
  DateTime      startDate;
  DateTime      endDate;
  String        title;
  String        subtitle;
  String        description;
  double        price;
  int           ranking;

  dynamic toClass(Map<String, dynamic>  data){
    id          = data["id"];
    idUser      = data["iduser"];
    startDate   = DateTime.parse(data["startdate"]);
    endDate     = (data["enddate"]=="null") ? DateTime.parse(data["enddate"]) : null;
    image       = data["image"];
    title       = data["title"];
    subtitle    = data["subtitle"];
    description = data["description"];
    price       = double.parse(data["price"]??0);
    ranking     = 0;

    return this;

  Map<String, dynamic> toJSON(){

    return {
      // "id"          : "$id",
      "idUser"      : "$idUser",    
      "startDate"   : "$startDate",          
      "endDate"     : "$endDate",            
      "image"       : "$image",             
      "title"       : "$title",     
      "subtitle"    : "$subtitle",       
      "description" : "$description",       
      "price"       : "$price",             
      "ranking"     : ranking,

Note: This is an excerpt from a class I use in my project


JSON always returns a set of KEY : VALUE where the KEY is always a String, soon for you to fetch the data from a KEY you do as follows

variavel = json["CHAVE"];

This method of yours is somewhat wrong, because the parameter it receives does not match the JSON structure

  PortasAbertas.fromJson(Map<int, dynamic> json) {
    i = json[i];
    n = json[n];

It is right for you to create the parameter as follows

Map<String, dynamic> json

That way it would be right

  PortasAbertas.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    i = json["i"];
    n = json["n"];


I created this example, see if it fits you, because as you are receiving an array of objects, I believe you can receive data from more than one port...

import 'dart:convert';

/*Aqui é sua classe*/
class PortasAbertas {
  int i;
  int n;

  PortasAbertas({this.i, this.n});

  PortasAbertas fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    this.i = json['i'];
    this.n = json['n'];
    return this;

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
    return {
      'i': i,
      'n': n

/*Aqui é como você irá utilizar a sua classe*/
void main() {
  var jsonData = '[{"i":737,"n":1}]';
  var parsedJson = json.decode(jsonData);
  dynamic portasAbertas ={
    return value;

  PortasAbertas objeto = PortasAbertas();
  print('I = ${objeto.i}');
  print('N = ${objeto.n}');

Note: You can run this example here in this website and see how it works.


I took your JSON, broke it into a list of Map<String, dynamic> who will own all of your Jsonarray’s objects. Then I took position 0 from your list and played in your class.

  • That’s right, in my reply I left some other examples too, as for example convert a date to a field of type Datetime


Paraphrasing this my article (if you want to read integer contains a full example of json deserialization):

If we stop to analyze, any Json structure is basically a Key/value map, so this is exactly how it is represented in Dart. In line 8 we created the fromJson constructor that we will use to deserialize the json, that is, to transform to an Object, by this it receives a String Map(the key will always be string) and Dynamic, which for Dart is like a generic type, any type may be in a dynamic type variable.

Basically every Map key that represents Json is a String, just as every value is at first a dynamic. You’re treating the key like int, then change to String:

PortasAbertas.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
  i = json['i'];
  n = json['n'];

The process of 'serialization' works equally, also using String:

Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
  return {


It would be that way then to deserialize ?

class PortasAbertas {
  int i;
  int n;

  PortasAbertas({this.i, this.n});

  PortasAbertas.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    i = json['i'];
    n = json['n'];

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
    return {
      'i': i,
      'n': n
  • 1

    That’s right, but just one piece of information, implement this in your question, editing it! It’s not cool for you to answer your question with another question! ...

  • Okay, thanks for the tip

  • Now how do I get the vector ? i was doing so : Number Object = new Number Ports.fromJson(responseJson); _msg = ('Total number of ports: ${object.numbers deportas}'); but to get json without vector, with vector I still don’t know how to do

  • Check the edition of my reply and any questions, use the comments section of my reply.

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