Oops, I’m doing a project of a memory game that requires an image to be changed at the time of a click using Jquery.
The game is based on clicking on divs
, and display the images inside them, two at a time. If they are equal, they stay on display, if they are different they are hidden.
By clicking on the first div
, the image within it is displayed normally by clicking on the second div
, the system checks if the images are the same, if yes, they stay the sample, otherwise the system hides the two images clicked a few seconds later.
But this probably doesn’t happen because the image only loads at the end of the click function div
. ( code below).
$(".card").click(function () {
var idCard = $(this).attr('id');
if (tent == 2) {
if (ganhou(primTent, idCard)) {
if (pontuacao == 9)
else {
setTimeout(esconderCards(primTent, idCard), 3000);
habilitarClicks(primTent, idCard);
tent = 0;
else {
primTent = idCard;
Note that the function that reveals the image is called in every click, but the change is only actually made at the end of the function. If the user made a mistake ( when it is his second attempt), the function is called esconderCards()
which cancels the other which discloses them. ( functions codes below )
function revelarImg(id) {
$("#" + id +"> img").attr("src", arrayImgs[id]);
function esconderCards(primeira, segunda) {
$("#" + primeira +"> img").attr("src","imgs/front.png");
$("#" + segunda +"> img").attr("src","imgs/front.png");
Follows the html
of divs
with the pictures:
<div class="card" id="0">
<img src="imgs/front.png">
<div class="card" id="1">
<img src="imgs/front.png">
How can I display the second image without waiting for the function to end and if "auto cancel"?
Cara edits your question, puts html/css tb so that we can simulate your problem there, will make it easier for someone to answer you
– hugocsl
@hugocsl , done, did not insert css as they are just positions on the screen, do not insert anything from them
– Gabriel Arruda
I didn’t get to watch it, but I believe this video can help you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0I6Z06N0kM
– Edward Ramos
@Caiqueromero when the "Change" would be fired? I would then delete my reveal function, and put the straight snippet in the click?
– Gabriel Arruda
It’s a little confusing here. What determines that one card is the same as another?
– Sam
@Sam , if the html of the two Divs are equal. The boolean function won is a comparison between the htmls.
– Gabriel Arruda
It would be better to edit the question and put the whole code so that it can reproduce the system.
– Sam
Take a look at the example I made, including the links I put in, I hope it helps you.
– Caique Romero