How to go through all the data of a DF making calculation and return the value for it?


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dfI am with DF after some calculations, but I am not able to pass the data to an account, every time gives this error:

The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df = pd.read_excel('Semana.xlsx') #leitura do excel
df1 = pd.read_excel('Semana1.xlsx') #leitura do excel
df2 = pd.read_excel('Semana2.xlsx') #leitura do excel
df3 = pd.read_excel('Semana3.xlsx') #leitura do excel

df = df + df1 + df2 + df3
df = df.T #girando tabela
df = df.drop(['Dia'], axis=0)
df = df.T #girando tabela
df = df // 4
df.columns = ['1', '2' ,'3','4','5','6','7']

Parte da conta: 

Lamb = ' aqui tem que recebe o valor de cada posiçao ' 
u = 7
Caixas = 22

for lamb in lamb:
    while(lamb/(Caixas*u) >= 0.9):
        Caixas += 1

while(lamb/(Caixas*u) <= 0.5):
    Caixas -= 1
    F = lamb/(Caixas*u)
    F = F * 100
    print(lamb, '/', Caixas,'*',u)
    print('Numero de caixas recomendável e:',Caixas)
    print('Caixas ficam ocupados' ,"%.0f" % F , "%")
  • can you give an example of how this data is? they have header? are of the same type?

  • What is lamb? lamb and Lamb are the same thing or are different variables?

  • Cara has a lot wrong with your code, I recommend you go back a little and study repetition structure, conditionals, data structure and so of the continuation of this project

  • the Amb are repeated because it was trying another way that did not work.. Lamb = the values of DF u = 7 Boxes = 22 while(Lamb/(Boxesu) >= 0.9): print("addition of boxes") Boxes += 1 print(Boxes) Else: print("Reduction of boxes") while(Lamb/(Boxesu) <= 0.5): Boxes -= 1 print(Boxes) Else: print('Results') F = Lamb/(Boxesu) F = F * 100 print('==========') print(Lamb, '/', Boxes,'',u) print('Recommended box number and:'Boxes) print('Boxes get busy' ,"%.0f" %F , "%")

  • I want all DF data to pass through the account, then account ira returns a value and this value will be in DF

1 answer


See if this is what you want, it removes 30 from the current value. The "secret" is in the lambda that you put the expression you want or access to a function with return (2nd Example).

"for" accesses column by column and returns the value

#Instalar pacote
#pip install pandas
import pandas as pd

lista_valores = [

df = pd.DataFrame(lista_valores, columns = ['1', '2','3','4','5','6','7'])

print('=== Dataframe Original ===')

#For das colunas do dataframe
for x in df.columns:
    print('Acessando a coluna:',x)
    #Acessa o campo do dataframe
    #Remover o valor de cada campo
    df[x] = df[x].apply(lambda x: x-30)

print('\n=== Dataframe Alterado coluna a coluna')

Using a function to return odd or even for example.

#Instalar pacote
#pip install pandas
import pandas as pd

lista_valores = [

df = pd.DataFrame(lista_valores, columns = ['1', '2','3','4','5','6','7'])

print('=== Dataframe Original ===')

def impar_par(valor):
        return "par"
        return "impar"

#For das colunas do dataframe
for x in df.columns:
    print('Acessando a coluna:',x)
    #Acessa o campo do dataframe
    #Remover o valor de cada campo
    df[x] = df[x].apply(lambda x: impar_par(x))

print('\n=== Dataframe Alterado coluna a coluna')

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