Does changing the metatags on the upload affect rankings?


Viewed 88 times


Good morning !!

Guys, I have a website where the structure is made with calls PHP at the top, body and footer.

Based on the route the user enters (for example I want to dynamically alter the meta-tags with JS.

Will this affect the rankings? The meta-tags which inserted dynamically will be considered by the search engine?

Example structure: index php.

        include_once("corpo.php");//Aqui temos o tratamento da rota

1 answer


Apparently you won’t have a problem. But the ideal is that you monitor how Google is really finding your content, so you can use the Google Search Console tool

Already in 2012 it was known that the crawler Google was able to understand some script, and even Ajax. I recommend reading this article with a study they do by changing the tag <title> and injecting a content with .innerHTML. You will see that the bot easily found dynamic content including testarm a component of Tabs and everything was indexed.

In the case of PHP it would be even better, because the build would be in serverside, before delivering the already assembled content, which I believe would make it even easier to index the Google bot.

And according to this article from Google itself you can see that:

... In order to Solve this problem, we decided to Try to understand pages by executing Javascript.

  • We recommend that you allow Googlebot to retrieve Javascript and CSS so that your content can be better indexed. This is especially important for mobile websites, where external resources such as CSS and Javascript help our algorithms understand that pages are mobile-optimized.
  • Sometimes Javascript can be too complex or mysterious to run, in which case we cannot render the page completely and accurately.
  • Some Javascript removes page content instead of adding, which prevents us from indexing content.

OBS: Apparently Google tb scans CSS, and incusive vc can see reviews of it from Devtools Lighthouse


OBS2: An interesting fact that may actually prove that Google understands script is the common use of JSON-LD that is used to mark structured data and is read by Crawler easily, article about it

  • Excellent suggestion about JSON-LD, I didn’t know! I will do some tests with google search to make sure you indexed correctly, I had not thought about it

  • @Marcusvinicius no problem, I hope it helps, if you remember then come back here to comment on the results ;D

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