How to adjust splash using Constraints in Xcode 6?


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In Xcode 6 comes a file format . xib that serves as the default splash screen of the App.

I inserted an image using Uiimageview and a text using Uilabel but the position of the image and the label change as the screen size of the device.

Should I configure Constraints to keep everything in the same position on different screens or is there another alternative?

  • If you’re using self-layout the use of constraints is always necessary. The other alternative is to even use the Launchimage, an image for each type of screen as it was before Xcode 6.

  • Yes, but I am facing constraints now, and I would like to know how to use this tool correctly. If you know a good tutorial in English, or Portuguese I am grateful!

  • Constraints is a very broad and complex subject, here has an initial tip to understand the subject. But if there is a specific problem, maybe it can facilitate. For example, show something you’ve done with this image and label, some print or similar.

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