Ks and Chi Square test for reliability data in R


Viewed 85 times


I’m using parametric models to calculate some reliability items.

The question is how to perform the adhesion tests (Test Kolmogorov-Smirnov- KS and the Square chi - χ2) .

I tried using the "Ks.test" function

(ex: Ks.test(file$time,"pweibull", Shape= range,Scale= alfa_wei))


"chisq.test" (eg chisq.test(rlnorm(n,Mean = Y, sd = Sy)).

Meanwhile the p-valor is not correct, but in the test ks the statistic is correct (D). How to perform these tests in R for reliability data?

Data used were:

Tempo tipo
 794    1
 676    1
 573    1
 484    1
 406    1
 339    1
 282    1
 233    1
 191    1
 156    1
 126    1
 102    1
 81     1
 64     1

Results R:

range = 1.476715 alfa_wei= 357.5189

One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

date: file$Time D = 0.10253, p-value = 0.995 Alternative hypothesis: two-Sided

The correct p-value result should be: D = 0,1006, p-value = 0,386

For the chi square test I did not succeed.

How do I do these tests in R for reliability data?

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