Pass parameter through AJAX


Viewed 201 times


I am making a page where the user click the button will display some database information, only it is passing only a part, I do not have much experience with javascript, my code is

  if((!isset ($_SESSION['logado']) == true)){
  require_once "conn.php";
  require_once 'func.php';
  header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
  $id = $_SESSION['id'];
  $nome = $_SESSION['nome'];
  $pv = $_SESSION['pv'];
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    <div class="filtro"> 
      <form method="POST" class="form-inline">
        <div class="form-group mx-sm-3 mb-2">
          <label class="col-sm-2 col-form-label col-form-label-sm">Inicial:</label>
          <input type="date" class="form-control" name="inicial">
        <div class="form-group mx-sm-3 mb-2">
          <label class="col-sm-2 col-form-label col-form-label-sm">Final:</label>
          <input type="date" class="form-control" name="final">
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary mb-2">Filtrar</button>
    <div class="lista-data">
      if (isset($_POST['inicial'])) {
      <table class="table table-striped table-bordered ">
          <tr style="background-color: #005da0 !important;color: white !important;">
            <th scope="col">Data</th>
            <th scope="col">Exibir</th>
          $inicial = $_POST['inicial'];
          $final = $_POST['final'];
          $sql = "SELECT * FROM tb_cupom WHERE id_consultor = $id AND cadastro between '$inicial' and '$final'";
          $stm = $conexao->prepare($sql);
          $lista = $stm->fetchAll();

          $data_inicial = new DateTime( implode( '-', array_reverse( explode( '/', $inicial ) ) ) );
          $data_final   = new DateTime( implode( '-', array_reverse( explode( '/', $final ) ) ) );

          while( $data_inicial <= $data_final ) {

          $data = $data_inicial->format('Y-m-d');
          $cp = "";
          for ($i=0; $i < count($lista); $i++) {
            $cupom = $lista[$i]['cupom'];
            $cadastro = $lista[$i]['cadastro'];
            if ($data == $cadastro) {
              $cp .= "$cupom;";
          if ($cp != "") {
            $data = converte_data_sem_ano($data);
              echo '<tr>
                      <td><button id="'.$cp.'" type="button" class="exibir btn btn-primary btn-sm">Exibir</button></td>
          $data_inicial->add( DateInterval::createFromDateString( '1 days' ) );

    <div class="exibe-lista"></div>
  <script type="text/javascript">
        var id = $(this).attr('id');
          type: "POST",
          url: "exibe_cupom.php?cp="+id,
          success: function(res){

Strange that when I inspect the page it shows the ID like this ->

<button id="teste;teste2" type="button" class="exibir btn btn-primary btn-sm">Exibir</button>

But when I look at the net it passes only the test, exibe_cupom.php?cp=teste How can I resolve this? I thank you in advance.

1 answer


You should not use the element ID attribute for this purpose.

The ID attribute should be used to manipulate the element via JS and/or CSS.

I recommend using data-attribute for custom data passing.

Another detail is that you are sending a POST request but sending a query string in the url instead of the data in the post body.

you could ride a vector like this:

$cp = array();
for ($i=0; $i < count($lista); $i++) {
    $cupom = $lista[$i]['cupom'];
    $cadastro = $lista[$i]['cadastro'];
    if ($data == $cadastro) {
        //$cp .= "$cupom;";
        $cp[] = $cupon;

With this you will have a vector with the data you want to send in the request and put in the document with

<button id="meuId" data-cupons="<?php echo json_encode($cp);?>" type="button" class="exibir btn btn-primary btn-sm">Exibir</button>

Your script would look similar to:

  <script type="text/javascript">
        var id = JSON.parse($(this).attr('data-cupons')); // Ou
        var id = JSON.parse($(this).data('cupons'));
          type: "POST",
          url: "exibe_cupom.php",
          data: {'id':JSON.stringify(id)},
          success: function(res){

Remember that in your exibe_couponom.php you will need to use decoding parameters in order to use:

$ids = json_decode($_POST['id']);

A remark:

This reference I passed is in case you need to send a vector to the server.

Some links to deepen the studies:

Data Attributes

jQuery post format

Reference to json’s Encode/Decode methods in PHP

Tutorial on how to do something similar to what you need

Some more information about JSON

  • I could not understand very well by example, I until today used ajax just as button and select, I am very lay in javascript, I was kind of looking for tutorials to do, it worked to erase data quiet, just as sending to another page with no return, I thought it would work for this situation, I would have as you give me an example of this method that you spoke?

  • @Faillen gave an improved answer, including some references to deepen the studies

  • @Jorgelima he was giving syntax error in this function -> JSON.parse(), I removed it and it worked fine, thank you very much

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