Flatlist overlaying items when rendering more than 10 items


Viewed 337 times


I’m having trouble implementing a FlatList in my application, whenever it renders more than 10 items they overlap as if they were with

position: absolute;
top: 0;

and no matter the size of the rendered items, even if they do not occupy the entire screen if it passes 10 items they are superimposed

export const List = styled.FlatList.attrs({
 contentContainerStyle: {
   paddingHorizontal: 20,
   paddingBottom: 84,
 margin-top: 20px;

 keyExtractor={item => String(item.id)}
 renderItem={({item}) => <EventsComponent data={item} />}

//Componente Evento

     <RowContainer alignItens={'flex-end'}>
       <TinyName>{data.disciplina} - </TinyName>
     <AddMissButton onPress={() => {}}>
       <Icon name={'delete'} size={24} color="#fff" />

//Estilização do Container externodo componente evento

export const Container = styled.View`
 flex: 1;
 border-radius: 4px;
 background-color: #fff;
 margin-bottom: 15px;
 padding: 4px;
 min-height: 80px;
 shadowColor: #000;
 shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 2 };
 shadowOpacity: 0.8;
 shadowRadius: 2;
 elevation: 2;

After rendering more than 10 items each Flatlist item is only with 15px difference from above, which is the margin-bottom: 15px applied in the container

  • 1

    Can you put the minimum example? Use the sheet with <> and put it to us to see what is happening, the information is few

  • @Virgilionovic added more details as requested.

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