How to use hyperlink for spreadsheet with selected cell?


Viewed 41 times


Look at the picture;

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

My goal is to click on the mobile the user is directed to the spreadsheet being the line selected, as it is in the image above it is selecting the line manually.

The line of code that needs to change this below, I need help.


1 answer


Within the area of excel developer, run the VBA code by swapping the values for their variables, this can help solve your problem:

Sub test()
 With Worksheets("Sua planilha")
     .Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Range("Sua celula"), _
     Address:="Caminho a ser direcionado", _
     ScreenTip:="Mensagem que ira aparecer ao passar o mouse", _
     TextToDisplay:="Mensagem que ira aparecer na celula"
 End With
End Sub

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