Why do onclick events on table lines not work after loading?


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inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

People, when I position the mouse arrow should appear a hand or a vertical dash, and still without action when I click.

foreach($campeonatos as $campeonato){ //ta no select

        echo "<tr style='background-color: #008000;'> 
        <span name='camp'>".$campeonato['CAMP_NOME']."</span>

        foreach($dados as $dado){
            $dia = substr($dado['dt_hr_ini'], 8, 2); 
            $data = formDt($dado['dt_hr_ini']);
            if($dado["esporte"] == "Futebol" && $dado['Odds'] != null && $dia >= date('d') && 
            $campeonato['CAMP_NOME'] == $dado['camp_nome']):
            $cod = $dado['camp_jog_id'];?>

            <tr id='id_linha' onclick='escolheJogos(this), calcPremio()' >
            <span name='id_timea'><?php echo $dado['casa_time']?></span>
            <span name='id_timeb'><?php echo $dado['visit_time'] ?></span>
            <span name='id_data'><?php echo $data ?></span>
            <span name='campnome'><?php echo $dado['camp_nome'] ?></span> 
            <span alt='casa' onclick="escolhaCotacao('casa')"><?php echo $dado['Odds'][0]['taxa'] ?> </span>
            <span alt='empate' onclick="escolhaCotacao('empate')"><?php echo $dado['Odds'][1]['taxa'] ?></span>
            <span alt='fora' onclick="escolhaCotacao('fora')"><?php echo $dado['Odds'][2]['taxa'] ?> </span>
            <input id='id_sub' type='submit' onclick='insere(this);' value=<?php echo $cod ?> >   

            <?php endif;
       // return;



//cara se tiver algo errado meu editor nao ta acusando

function escolhaCotacao(res) { resulta = res;//global console.log(resulta); }

function escolheJogos(refLinha) {
    if (refLinha.getElementsByTagName("td").length == 2 && !repetido) {
        var resultado = refLinha.getElementsByTagName("td")[0].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML;
        cot = refLinha.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML;

        if (resultado != "") {

            tables = document.getElementById("id_tableBilhete");
            rows = tables.insertRow(-1);
            rows.innerHTML = "<td class='timeA'>" + timeA + "</td><td class='timeB'>" + timeB + "</td><td class"+
            "='data'>" + data + "</td><td class='cotacao'>" + cot + "</td><td class='result'>" + resultado + "</td><td><a href='#' onclick='myDeleteFuncao(this), calcPremio()' class='excluir' style='color:yellow'>EXCLUIR</a></td>";
            document.getElementById("id_n_jogos").value = cont;
        repetido = false;
        //resultado = 0;
    } else if(!repetido) {
        timeA = refLinha.getElementsByTagName("td")[0].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML;
        timeB = refLinha.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML;
        data = refLinha.getElementsByTagName("td")[2].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML;


        if (resulta == 'casa')
            cot = refLinha.getElementsByTagName("td")[4].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML;
        if (resulta == 'empate')
            cot = refLinha.getElementsByTagName("td")[5].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML;
        if (resulta == 'fora')
            cot = refLinha.getElementsByTagName("td")[6].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML;
        /*if (resultado == 'ambas')
            cot = refLinha.getElementsByTagName("td")[6].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML;
        if (resultado == 'soum')
            cot = refLinha.getElementsByTagName("td")[9].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML;

        //hora = refLinha.getElementsByTagName("td")[3].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML;

        if (resulta != '') {
            table = document.getElementById("id_tableBilhete");
            row = table.insertRow(-1);
            row.innerHTML = "<td class='timeA'>" + timeA + "</td><td class='timeB'>" + timeB + "</td><td class='data'>" + data + "</td><td class='cotacao'>" + cot + "</td><td class='result'>" + resulta + "</td><td><a href='#' onclick='myDeleteFuncao(this), calcPremio()' class='excluir' style='color:yellow'>EXCLUIR</a></td>";
            document.getElementById("id_n_jogos").value = cont;

        resulta = '';//o usuario tem que clicar em uma celula cotacao pra mudar valor
  • Because the hand should appear?

  • onclick serves to execute some Javascript function, post the Javascript code.

2 answers


As much as it has a function onclick, the click cursor only appears on a button or a <a>. To appear in other elements, you should put in CSS:

.classe-ou-id-do-elemento {
   cursor: pointer;

If the click is not working it is because your JS is incorrect. Post it here.

  • as it did not fit in comment, I replied. thanks

  • @DOUGLASFERNANDES edit the question and put the code there

  • posted the js function.


In my view, this is the best approach, especially when manipulating HTML via JS (jQuery):


    <tr class="id_linha" data-linha="1">


   cursor: pointer;


$(document).on("click","#id_linha",function() {
  • ok. I am using pure js and also jQueri. I have not yet delved much into jQuery. Wouldn’t id be unique ? when the table is ready there will be several "id=id_line" repeated.

  • You’re right, amended!

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