Use of scripts and external bootstrap


Viewed 38 times


Good evening guys I’m trying to implement a script and external css in my angular project, and I saw that I just had to throw it into the angular folder and use a link tag like this one below to use:

<script src="assets/dist/js/bootstrap.js"></script>

This proceeds as Angular cannot find the file on the Assets and does not load the script event.

How could I use otherwise, without using the node_modules folder to use??

  • consider editing your question and adding the part of the code in question ... just so someone try to reproduce and find the error and possible solution

  • edit question is no code, test put after </head>

1 answer


In angular projects usually for you to include style files and javascript Voce needs to include the script path in a file called angular-cli.json

something like that:

"scripts": [

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