code appearing as text


Viewed 57 times


I’m trying to insert a table but when I add it, it keeps popping up my code like it’s a text, but it works lol.

Does anyone know what’s wrong with my code that I can’t find?



include 'mysql_connect.php';
include 'season_info.php';

if ($_SESSION['HoopsUser'] != NULL)
    if (isset($_GET['Sort']))
            $sort = $_GET['Sort'];
            if ($sort == 'Age')
                $age = 'Age_Asc';
                $age = 'Age';

        if (isset($_GET['Position']))
            $position = $_GET['Position'];
            $and = '&Position='.$position.'';
                if ($position == 'Draft')
                    $and = '&Position='.$position.'';
                else if ($position == 'FA')
                    $and = '&Position='.$position.'';
                else if ($position == 'Prev')

                else if ($position == 1)


                else if ($position == 2)



                else if ($position == 3)



                else if ($position == 4)



                else if ($position == 5)








        echo '



    </table>' . "\n";

    $sql = 'SELECT *, freeagencycoach.ID AS ID FROM freeagencycoach INNER JOIN Staff ON freeagencycoach.Player = Staff.ID WHERE CurrentTeam = 0 AND User = \''.$_SESSION['HoopsUser'].'\' AND Year = '.$year.' AND Years > 0 AND Amount > 0';

    $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

    $count = mysql_num_rows($result);

    if ($count > 0)


        echo '

        <table class="middle2" cellpadding="0">


                <td width="800" valign="top" align="center">

                    <table width="100%" align="center" cellspacing="1" style="border-style:solid;border-width:1px;border-color:#909090">

                    <tr class="stat_header">

                        <td align="left" colspan="25" style="padding-left:6px">Current Offers</td>


                    <tr class="header">

                        <td align="left" style="padding-left:4px">PLAYER</td>

                        <td align="left" style="padding-left:4px">OFFER</td>

                        <td align="center" style="padding-left:4px;padding-right:4px">CANCEL</td>

                    </tr>' . "\n";


    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))


        $player = '<a href="player.php?ID='.$row['Player'].'" class="link">' . $row['Name'] . '</a>';

        if (0 == ($x++ & 1)) { $sClass = 'odd'; } else { $sClass = 'even'; }

        $sql2 = 'SELECT Player, Pos FROM ContractRequests WHERE ID = '.$row['Player'].'';

        $result2 = mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error());

        while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))


            $player = '<a href="player.php?ID='.$row['Player'].'" class="link">' . $row2['Player'] . '</a>, ' . $row2['Pos'];


        if ($row['Years'] == 99)


            $contract = 'Max offer';


        else if ($row['Amount'] == 0) {

            $contract = 'Min offer';




            $contract = '&#36;'.number_format($row['Amount']).'/'.$row['Years'].' yr(s)';


        echo '          <tr class="'.$sClass.'">

                        <td align="left" style="padding-left:4px">'.$player.'</td>

                        <td align="left" style="padding-left:4px">'.$contract.'</td>

                        <td align="center" style="padding-left:4px;padding-right:4px"><a href="freeagency_withdraw.php?Offer='.$row['ID'].'" class="link">Withdraw</a></td>

                    </tr>' . "\n";


    if ($count > 0)


        echo '




        </table>' . "\n";


    if (isset($_GET['Position']))


        if ($_GET['Position'] == 'Prev') {

            $prev_year = $year - 1;

            $where = 'INNER JOIN SeasonStats ON SeasonStats.ID = Player.ID WHERE SeasonStats.Season = '.$prev_year.' AND SeasonStats.Team = \''.$_SESSION['HoopsTeam'].'\' AND CurrentTeam = \'FA\'';

        } else {

            $where = 'WHERE CurrentTeam = \'FA\' AND PositionNumber = '.$_GET['Position'].'';





        $where = 'WHERE CurrentTeam = \'FA\'';


    if (isset($_GET['Sort']))


        $sort = $_GET['Sort'];

        if ($sort == 'Age_Asc')


            $sort = 'Player.Age';

            $by = '';


        else if ($sort == 'FutureRating')


            $sort = 'FutureRating';

            $by = '';


        else if ($sort == 'Age')


            $sort = 'Player.Age';

            $by = 'DESC';




            $by = 'DESC';





        $sort = 'Overall';

        $by = 'DESC';




        $name = $row['FirstName'] . ". " . $row['LastName'];

        $id = $row['ID'];

        $team = '<a href="clubhouse.php?Team='.$row['Abbr'].'" class="link">'.$row['Abbr'].'</a>';

        $pos = $row['PositionNumber'];

        if ($row['PositionNumber'] == 1) { $pos = 'C'; } else if ($row['PositionNumber'] == 2) { $pos = 'PF'; }

        else if ($row['PositionNumber'] == 3) { $pos = 'SF'; } else if ($row['PositionNumber'] == 4) { $pos = 'SG'; }

        else if ($row['PositionNumber'] == 5) { $pos = 'PG'; }

        $age = $row['Age'];

        $exp = $row['Experience'];

        $ovr = number_format($row['Overall'],0);

        $inches = $row['Height'];

        $ft = floor($inches/12);

        $in = $inches % 12;

        $ht = $ft . '\'' . $in . '"'; 

        $wt = $row['Weight'];

        $ins = $row['InsideScoring'];

        $jps = $row['JumpShot'];

        $ft = $row['FreeThrowShot'];

        $tp = $row['ThreePointShot'];

        $pas = $row['Passing'];

        $hnd = $row['Handling'];

        $orb = $row['OffensiveRebounding'];

        $drb = $row['DefensiveRebounding'];

        $psd = $row['PostDefense'];

        $prd = $row['PerimeterDefense'];

        $stl = $row['Stealing'];

        $blk = $row['ShotBlocking'];

        $jmp = $row['Jumping'];

        $qkn = $row['Quickness'];

        $sth = $row['Strength'];

        $sta = $row['Stamina'];

        $ovr = number_format($row['Overall'],0);

        $fut = $row['FutureRating'];

        if ($row['BirdYears'] >= 3 && $_GET['Position'] == 'Prev') {

            $bird_rights = '<sup><font style="font-size:8px;font-family:Verdana;color:#009900">BIRD</font></sup>';

        } else {

            $bird_rights = '';


        if ($sort == 'Player.Age') { $class1 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'Overall') { $class2 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'InsideScoring') { $class3 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'JumpShot') { $class4 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'FreeThrowShot') { $class5 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'ThreePointShot') { $class6 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'Handling') { $class7 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'Passing') { $class8 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'OffensiveRebounding') { $class9 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'DefensiveRebounding') { $class10 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'PostDefense') { $class11 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'PerimeterDefense') { $class12 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'Stealing') { $class13 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'ShotBlocking') { $class14 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'Quickness') { $class15 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'Strength') { $class16 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'Jumping') { $class17 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        if ($sort == 'Stamina') { $class18 = ' class="sort_bold"'; }

        // InsideScoring*0.3+JumpShot*0.09+ThreePointShot*1.5+Handling*0.2+Passing*2+OffensiveRebounding*4+DefensiveRebounding*4+PostDefense+PerimeterDefense*3+Stealing+ShotBlocking*0.8+Quickness*0.7+Jumping*0.5+Strength

        if (0 == ($i++ & 1)) { $sClass = 'odd'; }

        else { $sClass = 'even'; }

        if ($sort == 'Player.Age')


            $sort = 'Age';


        if ($row[''.$sort.''] != $last_stat)


            $last_stat = $row[''.$sort.''];

            $rank = $i;




            $rank = ' ';


        echo '              <tr class="'.$sClass.'">


        if ($i % 20 == 0 && $i != 100 && $i != 250)


            echo '

                    <tr class="header">

                        <td align="left" style="padding-left:4px">PLAYER</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">AGE</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">EXP</td>

                        <td align="center" style="padding-left:2px;padding-right:2px">CUR</td>

                        <td align="center" style="padding-left:2px;padding-right:2px">POT</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">OVR</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">INS</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">JPS</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">FT</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">3PS</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">HND</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">PAS</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">ORB</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">DRB</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">PSD</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">PRD</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">STL</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">BLK</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">QKN</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">STR</td>

                        <td align="right" style="padding-right:4px">JMP</td>




    echo '









    if ($_SESSION['HoopsUser'] == 'admin') {

        echo $sql;





    $redirect = urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

    echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=login.php?location=$redirect\">";

    echo '

    <table class="middle3">



                <table class="maintop">


                        <td><font class="playersubhead">Access Restricted</font></td>






    <table class="middle2">


            <td width="800" valign="top" align="center">

                <table width="100%" align="center" cellspacing="1">

                    <tr class="odd">

                        <td colspan="20" align="left" style="padding-left:6px">You must be logged in to access this page!</td>







  • you have print of the problem occurred?


  • I can’t identify the mistake.

  • If you don’t like to document your beauty codes. At least give a highlight when entering test code otherwise it happens, you end up forgetting in the code a test fragment that by chance may come to the production environment and generate an unpleasant surprise for your customer.

1 answer


Maycon, your code has a snippet that displays the query if the user is admin:

if ($_SESSION['HoopsUser'] == 'admin') {

    echo $sql;


I believe this is the reason to display the code in HTML, remove or comment this snippet and see the result.

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