View inside View


Viewed 79 times


Hello, I’m picking up a code to continue and would like to troubleshoot a problem.

  1. i have a CRUD of clients, and within the views, have the cliente_addressee file...

I went to observe and found that there is also a model, cliente_endereco.Rb...

I would like to implement this part of addresses in the same client CRUD, so I believe the best way is a partial render, like that maybe?


<%= render partial: "customer_address_fields", locals: { customerAddress: @customerAddress }%>

My question is this, how to use the same CRUD and save in another table with another model?

In Controller, in the def create method, I did the following.

@customerAddress =

I’m having trouble creating a form within the address view. I believe you are not loading the view into this code.

<%= form_with(model: customerAddress) do |form| %>

Thank you.

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