Submit form with file


Viewed 30 times


I have the following form:

<form [formGroup]="notifForm">
      <div class="box-body">
          <app-input errorMessage="Preencha a Descrição" [showTip]="false">
                 <label for="descricao">Título</label>
                    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Descrição" minlength="5" formControlName="descricao">

                      <app-input errorMessage="É obrigatório adicionar arquivo" [showTip]="false">
                          <label for="arquivo">Anexar arquivos</label>
                          <input type="file"  formControlName="arquivo" multiple (change)="fileChangeEvent($event)">
      <div class="box-footer">
            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" [disabled]="notifForm.invalid" (click)="enviar()">Submit</button>

I’m sending it like this: this.notifForm.value )
                              .subscribe( r => {
                                  message.message = 'Cadastrado com sucesso!'
                                  message.status = true
                                  this.notificationService.notify( message )
                              }, err => {
                                message.message = 'Houve problema ao tentar salvar!'
                                message.status = false
                                console.error('Erro', err.message);
                                this.notificationService.notify( message )

No Node I’m getting the data like this: `${prefix}/save`, async (req: any, res, next)=>{     

The result is coming out like this:

{ descricao: 'sdfdsfd',
      detalhe: 'fdfdfd',
      arquivo: 'C:\\fakepath\\linda.jpg' 

I send two files and only get one file.

I would like to read them all and would like to know how to copy this file to a specific folder

I set it up here

import * as multipart from 'connect-multiparty'
const multipartMiddleware = multipart({uploadDir: './public'})

But I don’t know how to use it...

I saw many tutorials that only teach to upload a single file and not form containing text.

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