Alternative method for OR condition


Viewed 21 times


I would like to know if you have any alternative means to improve the performance of a select without using the expression OR. Running only with an equal operator I get the result in 30min but including more conditions with use of OR there is an absurdly big time to get the result approximately more 10hs.

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  • 1

    The fields involved in the merge are properly indexed?

  • I believe that yes más give an example of properly indexed?

  • Either they’re indexed or they’re not, "I believe so" is not an answer.

  • You tried to analyze the query execution plan to check the bottlenecks?

  • how do I analyze?


  • Try B.nf_vs_cod_pro in ( a.nf_vs_cod_pro01,a. nf_vs_cod_pro02...)

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