Libreoffice . docx Macro - PHP


Viewed 45 times



Is it possible to run a libreoffice macro by php? something like:

"c:/Program Files/LibreOffice/program/soffice" --nologo --norestore --nolockcheck "macro:///Standard.Module2.PysIndexer(C:\wamp\www\site\public\file.docx)"


sub PysIndexer(docPath as string)

dim document as object
dim dispatcher as object
dim pdfPath as string

dim args1(0) as new
dim args2(0) as new

if fileExists(docPath) then

    args1(0).Name = "Hidden"
    args1(0).Value = True

    args2(0).Name = "FilterName"
    args2(0).Value = "writer_pdf_Export"

    document = starDesktop.loadComponentFromUrl(convertToUrl(docPath), "_blank", 0, args1())

    dispatcher = createUnoService("")
    dispatcher.executeDispatch(document.CurrentController.Frame, ".uno:UpdateAllIndexes", "", 0, array())

    pdfPath = GetFileNameWithoutExtension(docPath) & ".pdf"
    document.storeToURL(convertToUrl(pdfPath), args2())

end if

end sub

The command works if it runs in windows, but it doesn’t work using php’s exec or shell_exec. My question is whether the macro note:/// is only recognized by the windows user and if there is some other way to call the macro so php can recognize.

I found this macro on the following link and ended up updating the code a little.

PS. I still don’t know if this is the best solution, but it was the only one I found for now to update "automatically" the summary of a file with libreoffice without the option to update manually (open the file update the summary and close).

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