Use two fields with different settings on Oracle


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I’m having a hard time: I’m trying to use a field that was created as number with a field created as NUMBER NOT NULL ENABLE.

The ID_ACESSO field was created like this:


The PK_ACESSO field was created like this:

 select * from gsc_tbl066_ramal_telefonico a 
           left join gsc_view_tbl064_acesso b 
                on a.PK_ACESSO = b.ID_ACESSO;

When run gives error:

ORA-01722: invalid number 01722. 00000 - "invalid number" *Cause: The specified number was invalid. *Action: Specify a Valid number.

  • the problem must be null value account in the field "ID_ACESSO", try to add a WHERE b.ID_ACESSO IS NOT NULL at the end of the query

  • still gives the same error :(

  • Table has virtual columns ? Are you sure of types ? A sql is exact this ?

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